Saturday, December 31, 2011


Mysticism-Awakening Video Clips. Duration : 7.25 Mins.

"When love has carried us above all things into the Divine Dark, there we are transformed by the Eternal Word Who is the image of the Father; and as the air is penetrated by the sun, thus we receive in peace the Incomprehensible Light, enfolding us, and penetrating us.' This is a Librivox reading from the book by Evelyn Underhill, "Mysticism: A Study of the Nature and Development of Man's Spiritual Consciousness". Librivox recording read by Joy Chan. Underhill's greatest book, Mysticism: A Study of the Nature and Development of Man's Spiritual Consciousness, was published in 1911, and is distinguished by the very qualities which make it inappropriate as a straightforward textbook. The spirit of the book is romantic, engaged, and theoretical rather than historical or scientific. Underhill has little use for theoretical explanations and the traditional religious experience, formal classifications or analysis. She dismisses William James' pioneering study, The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902), and his "four marks of the mystic state" (ineffability, noetic quality, transcience, and passivity). James had admitted that his own constitution shut him off almost entirely from the enjoyment of mystical states thus his treatment was purely objective. Underhill substituted (1) mysticism is practical, not theoretical, (2) mysticism is an entirely spiritual activity, (3) The business and method of mysticism is love. (4) mysticism entails a definite psychological experience. (Wiki)

Tags: mysticism, illumination, awakening, enilightenment, underhill, evelyn, spiritual, consciousness, evolution, characteristics, experience, ineffability, ungrund, not, this, that, alchemistra

Friday, December 30, 2011

Creating flourishing Grand occasion Flyers

Grand chance flyers have been used to generate excitement along with a flood of traffic to a new firm for decades now. You have the capability of spreading the word about your products and services to each household in your community in a relatively short period of time. However, there are considerable steps you need to take when advertising grand chance flyers. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

There has been many times where I seen a new firm trying to advertise their grand chance flyers using some lame "copy shop" type of printing method. Not only does this portray you as being cheap, your possible customers will wonder how the capability of the stock or service will be when they make their first purchase. Remember, when you advertise your selling your brand. Take the time to hire a pro graphic designer. generate a logo that separates you from the competition. After all, you deserve a better flyer than one that has been printed on exciting orange paper with no graphic images of your gorgeous products.


You have weeks to celebrate the grand chance of your business. Take benefit of the once in a lifetime chance and advertise your flyers each week for as long as you are legally permitted to do so. There is a think behind this strategy. Consumers have no idea who you are or what you have to offer. In addition, you are trying to convince then to choose your new products and services over your competitors. It will take a while before population are convinced enough to take you up on your offer. Think about this when your estimating the funds for your grand chance flyers.

You are the new firm on the block. No one knows what your specialty is, who you are, or where you come from. population like to buy from population they know and trust. Leave some space in your grand chance flyer to talk about your self. Are you from the city or state you are conducting business. What type of skills do you have that make you better than the competition? Talk about these things in your message to give population a brief introduction and don't be scared to show a picture of your gorgeous face somewhere in the flyer. Remember, population respond to faces.

These are the basic elements you need to know when creating grand chance flyers. Keep it easy by hiring professionals to do the job. Not only will you feel better about the image you are creating for your new business. The results will show up in your sales year-after-year. Here's to the thriving commence of your new business!

Creating flourishing Grand occasion Flyers

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Poisson Distribution

The Poisson Distribution Video Clips. Duration : 5.50 Mins.

Description of the Poisson probability distribution

Keywords: statistics, poisson, probability, distribution, instructional video, educational, kbower, 50

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Six excellent Elements of a Best Selling Novel

Late in the nineteenth century, painters such as van Gogh, Cézanne and Seurat looked back to the Old Masters of the seventeenth century-geniuses like Rembrandt and Poussin-for techniques that would add richness to their work.

Why do today's fiction writers so seldom do something similar to help in writing a novel: look back to the Old Masters of the best-seller list-to the Tom Clancys and Michael Crichtons and Stephen Kings of our parents' and grandparents' day-to learn more about their craft? Let's peruse the work of six writers who not only ruled yesterday's best-seller lists, but whose consistent crowd-pleasing abilities also place them among the most flourishing authors of all time. In their books lie techniques of good storytelling that are timeless, of value to the commercial novelist of today-or any day. Citation these timeless elements and apply them to writing your novel:


Erle Stanley Gardner

The creator of lawyer-detective Perry Mason and a lawyer himself (it is said he is the model for Mason), Gardner was absolutely the best-selling and most prolific of all strangeness writers. From the early thirties until his death in 1970, he produced two or three of his The Case of ... Novels a year, adequate to keep five secretaries busy transcribing his dictation full-time.

Technique #1: Put Your Story Front and center Story was absolutely everything to Gardner. Characterization and background were of secondary, if any, importance. To Gardner, the novel was simply the most sufficient means of presenting his detective puzzles. Like Agatha Christie, Gardner relied heavily on dialogue, so that his books often read like scripts.

Here's the no-nonsense beginning of The Case of the Screaming Woman, an example of how Gardner hooks us immediately with the first bizarre aspect of his story:

Della Street, Perry Mason's confidential secretary, entered Mason's private office, walked over to the lawyer's desk and said, "You all the time like something out of the ordinary, Chief. This time I have a lulu!"

"Unusual?" Mason asked, seeing up from the papers on his desk.

"Unique," she said.

"Give," Mason told her.

"A Mrs. John Kirby telephoned," Della street said, "and wanted to preserve you to cross-examine her husband."

"A divorce case?" Mason asked.

"No, she and her husband are good friends."

"Yet she wants me to cross-examine him?"

"That's right."

"About what?"

"About where he was last night."

Mason frowned. "Della, I'm not a lie detector. I'm not a psychoanalyst. I don't cope cases challenging domestic relations."

"That's what I told Mrs. Kirby," Della street said. "She told me she only wanted her husband's interests protected. She said she wanted you to listen to his story, puncture his self-assurance, and rip him to pieces."

Though few would be tempted to call Gardner a stylist, there's no arguing that he could arrest us with a wildly unlikely facility at the start of each of his books. It was this potential to build a novel on strength of story, rather than on how he told that story, that made him the favorite of millions.

Sometimes this kind of get-to-the-point storytelling is exactly what readers crave-for example, when what they absolutely want is a challenging puzzle in novel form.

If you share Gardner's gift for ingenious plotting, why embellish your book with unnecessary information or description? You might be doing yourself, and your book, a disservice. Bare-bones, plot-oriented writing may be the perfect coming for your novel of strangeness or suspense.

Erskine Caldwell

"From the day of my birth until I reached the age of twenty years, I rarely lived longer than six years in the same place," wrote this red-haired, Georgia-born son of a Presbyterian minister, who at eighteen was running guns for a revolt in Central America. He also worked as a plowboy, poolroom attendant, cotton picker, lumbermill hand, pro football player, taxi driver, stagehand in a burlesque theater, stonemason, soda jerk, cook and waiter, book reviewer and journalist.

Caldwell is best known, however, as the author of sometimes scandalous novels about the Southern poor, most notably 1933's God's itsybitsy Acre, among the most favorite novels of all time. Not far behind is Tobacco Road, written the year before.

Technique #2: Paint Characters With Heart Caldwell's novels about "American primitives" have enjoyed their amazing success largely because Caldwell (like Mark Twain and Bret Harte, to whom he is frequently compared) truly loved the citizen he wrote about. This love for these citizen at their best and worst would not have existed if he had not known them so well, and it was this knowledge that allowed him to show them in all their humor, eccentricity and pathos-qualities that make these citizen irresistible to readers.

In this Citation from Tobacco Road, Ellie May Lester shows her feelings for Lov Bensey. Lov is married to Ellie May's younger sister Pearl, who refuses to sleep with Lov. Ellie May, though harelipped, is all too willing to give Lov what he wants.

[Lov] was seeing at Ellie May now. She had at last got him to give her some attention.

Ellie May was edging closer and closer to Lov. She was challenging over the yard by raising her weight on her hands and sliding herself over the hard white sand. She was smiling at Lov, and trying to make him take more consideration of her. She could not wait any longer for him to come to her, so she was going to him. Her harelip was spread open over her upper teeth, making her mouth appear as though she had no upper lip at all. Men regularly would have nothing to do with Ellie May; but she was eighteen now, and she was beginning to peruse that it should be inherent for her to get a man in spite of her appearance.

"Ellie May's acting like your old hound used to do when he got the itch," Dude said to Jeeter. "Look at her scrape her bottom on the sand. That old hound used to make the same kind of sound Ellie May's making, too. It sounds just like a itsybitsy pig squealing, don't it?"

Chances are these are not like the citizen you encounter daily, but to Erskine Caldwell they might as well have been, and he painted them exactly as he saw them, with a brush full of color, and broad, challenging strokes.

In most novels it is vital that the author give us characters we can know and like as much as we find ourselves knowing and liking those in Caldwell's. To generate such supersympathetic characters in your novels, look directly to the citizen you know and love better than any others. Only by knowing and loving your characters can you make us do the same.

Ian Fleming

Drawing on his contact with British Naval Intelligence, Fleming created James Bond 007, and absolutely Fleming and Bond often became confused in the social mind. Though Fleming called his work "trivial piffle," his espionage adventures had been phenomenally flourishing nearby the world, with John F. Kennedy among his most avid fans.

Technique #3: motion to Our Wildest Fantasies The success of Fleming's books has been attributed to the way they motion to our wildest dreams. James Bond, more than any other fictional hero, lived many people's fantasy of a life of total self-sufficiency and self-indulgence.

At the climax of You Only Live Twice, Bond is a prisoner of his old nemesis, Ernst Blofeld, in the cliff-top Castle of Death. Bond manages to fly the deadly volcanic mud of the quiz, Room, save his neck from Blofeld's huge samurai sword, and ultimately overpower and strangle Blofeld. He even sets the Castle to self-destruct-only to climb out a window and find himself trapped on a narrow balustrade.

. . . He looked over the side. A sheer hundred-foot drop to the gravel. A soft fluted whistle above him caught his ear. He looked up. Only a breath of a wind in the moorings of that bloody balloon! But then a lunatic idea came to him, a flashback to one of the old Douglas Fairbanks films when the hero had swung over the wide hall by taking a flying leap at the chandelier. This helium balloon was strong adequate to hold taut fifty feet of framed cotton strip bearing the warning sign! Why shouldn't it be distinguished adequate to bear the weight of a man?

Bond ran to the corner of the balustrade to which the mooring line was attached. He tested it. It was taut as a wire! From somewhere behind him there came a great clamour in the castle . . . Retention onto the straining rope, he climbed onto the railing, cut a foothold for himself in the cotton banner, and, grasping the mooring rope with his right hand, chopped downwards below him with Blofeld's sword and threw himself into space.

It worked! There was a light night breeze, and he felt himself wafted gradually away over the moonlit park, over the glittering, steaming lake, towards the sea. But he was rising, not falling! The helium sphere was not in the least worried by his weight! Then blue-and-yellow fire fluttered from the upper storey of the castle, and an occasional angry wasp zipped past him. . . . Now the whole black silhouette of the castle swayed in the moonlight and seemed to jig upwards and sideways and then gradually dissolve like an ice cream cone in the sunshine. The top storey crumbled first, then the next, and the next, and then, after a moment, a huge jet of orange fire shot up from hell towards the moon. A buffet of hot wind, followed by an echoing crack of thunder, hit Bond and made his balloon sway violently.

. . . Punctured by a bullet, the balloon was fast losing height. Below, the softly swelling sea offered a bed. . . .

It seems clear that Fleming never forgot that most citizen who read for delight read to escape, and that these readers want as much fly as they can get for their time and money.

Are your own characters humdrum and mundane, doing humdrum and mundane things, when they would be so much for challenging being and doing things we've only dreamed of? Fleming knew-and every novelist should remember-that one of the many joys of writing is that the impossible can be made possible. Give your readers a run for their money. Let them find true, amazing fly in the worlds you generate for them.

Mickey Spillane

His mystery-detective novels have been called nasty and sadistic, but they've won Spillane millions of fans just the same. The Brooklyn-born son of an Irish bartender began his writing career selling stories to the "slicks" and the "pulps," then writing comic books. His novels, most of them starring rough, tough Mike Hammer (said to seem his creator), landed Spillane on the all-time best-seller list again and again, from 1947's I, The Jury to the fifties' My Gun is Quick, The Big Kill, One Lonely Night, The Long Wait and Kiss Me, Deadly, to 1961's The Deep.

Technique #4: Torture the Reader to the End Of his formula of creating suspense, Spillane said: "You don't read a book to get to the middle. You read a book to get to the end. You deliberately torture yourself all the way through, hoping that after all the garbage the end will be worth all the time you spent in the reading thereof. True? It's got to be totally satisfactory in the last line.

A superb example of how Spillane puts his words into operation is the ending of I, The Jury (I've used a few dashes so as not to give whatever away):

"No, ----, I'm the jury now, and the judge, and I have a promise to keep. Gorgeous as you are, as much as I practically loved you, I sentence you to death." . . .

The roar of the .45 shook the room. ---- staggered back a step. Her eyes were a symphony of incredulity, an unbelieving peruse to truth. Slowly, she looked down to the ugly swelling in her naked belly where the bullet went in. A thin trickle of blood welled out.

I stood up in front of her and shoved the gun into my pocket. I turned and looked at the rubber plant behind me. There on the table was the gun, with the security catch off and the silencer still attached. Those loving arms would have reached it nicely. A face that was waiting to be kissed was absolutely waiting to be splattered with blood when she blew my head off. My blood. When I heard her fall I turned around. Her eyes had pain in them now, the pain preceding death. Pain and unbelief.

"How c-could you?" she gasped.

I only had a moment before talking to a corpse, but I got it in.

"It was easy," I said.

Remember how we all love being surprised, and hold some things back as you write your novel, whatever sort of novel it is. It's a amazing feeling to read a book and comprehend that a truly skillful novelist has gotten the best of us. Be particular to play fair with your surprises, however; make them believable and be sure to plant any principal precedents or clues.

Frank Yerby

Georgia-born Yerby is best known for his vivid and involved Southern tales, the most flourishing of which are 1946's The Foxes of Harrow, 1947's The Vixens, and 1949's Pride's Castle. A critic once wrote that "Mr. Yerby could be a pretty good novelist if he ever got his mind off the neckline and the cash register," but the world all the time welcomed a new Yerby novel unconditionally.

Technique #5: Evoke the Magic of the moment Yerby is sublime for his vivid language, for his multiplicity of characters and for writing, in the words of Arna Bontemps, with "a flair for color, an air of easy abandon, the potential to live in the moment and to generate characters that live in the moment, a touch of very elementary magic."

Devilseed is Yerby's story of Mireille Duclos, who, like many women of her time, sails penniless into gold-crazed San Francisco in the 1850s and there climbs to riches and respectability. In this scene we see Mireille riding into town as the new wife of Judge Alain Curtwright.

Mireille's imposing mahogany-and-rosewood-paneled landau swept eastward down Clay street toward Portsmouth Square, drawn at a spanking trot behind her pair of night-black, imported Australian horses. Perched high on the driver's seat before her, the Swithers brothers, James and John, her coachman and footman, sat, clad in livery every bit as imposing as the landau, their faces, under their tall silk hats, blacker than the hides of her amazing five-gaited pair, set in frowns of stern self-importance.

"Mammy" Pleasant had sent the Blacks to Mireille with a note suggesting that she hire them, which Mireille had been pleased to do, even knowing that Mary Ellen Pleasant had absolutely settled them in her hire to spy on her. Now, staring at their sturdy backs straining against the frock coats of their livery, she had the wickedly delighted feeling that she had "turned" them both: that they now were, if not completely on her side, at last double agents. For, by awarding them a medicine challenging so much kindness, real consideration, even, at times, an easy, affectionate familiarity that no Black menservants in the 1850s could dream of receiving from a young, stunningly Gorgeous white woman, she got as much information about Mary Ellen Pleasant's weird, devious, and plain evil doings out of them as they carried back to the house on Washington street about hers.

As she rolled along, with the rear calash top folded back and the zephyr stirring her raven hair under her smart itsybitsy bonnet, all the men on the sidewalks took off their hats and waved them in her direction. More than one of them grandly bowed. The women-what few there were-glared, and ostentatiously turned their backs. Mireille smiled with quiet delight at that sight. Ever since the amazing Lola Montez, mistress of the immortal pianist-composer Franz Liszt, mistress of the ex-King Ludwig of Bavaria, mistress of-the list was endless!-whose Spider Dance drove men of the cloth, not to mention mere miners and businessmen, out of their minds, had left San Francisco that preceding fall to settle-permanently, she swore-in the pleasant itsybitsy California mountain town of Grass Valley, Mireille had inherited, by default, Lola's crown as the most sublime demimondaine in the city. . . .

Yerby uses details of place and time as tools to evoke character, making Mireille and Mary Ellen functions of where and when they live, and vice versa. The Swithers brothers, coachman and footman, very much a sign of affluence at this time, are the expedient by which Mary Ellen spies of Mireille, who in turn uses them for the same purpose. We see the citizen on Clay street showing their feelings for Mireille through social customs of the place and time-grand bows and waves of the hat from the men, exaggerated turns of the back from the women. Note the use of a real and colorful figure, Lola Montez, to bring Mireille and her role in San Francisco into even sharper focus.

Use these techniques to make the characters in your novel virtually an postponement of their place and time. Have them use, abuse and react to objects and customs distinctly of their world, so that we cannot recall these characters without recalling how they were dressed, how they spoke, what they ate and all the other ways they interacted with their world.

Not a someone has been born who has not been shaped to some degree by where and when he or she lived. The magic of moment in reading fiction is learning how citizen live in, adapt to and make use of their where and when as we do with ours.

Harold Robbins It was a tribute to Robbins's staying power and adaptability that he was as much a titan in 1988 as he was forty years earlier, when he published 1948's Never Love a Stranger.

Robbins's publishers once announced that every itsybitsy someone bought a Robbins novel-another tribute to his never having let his social down. Not bad for a poor kid from New York who started his career as a grocery clerk, short-order cook, cashier, errand boy and bookies' runner.

Robbins has been praised most for the authenticity of the world in which he sets his novels. Never Love a Stranger drew heavily from Robbins's contact growing up in New York, and so vividly depicted that world of hustlers and racketeers that one critic called it "a Les Misérables of New York."

Technique #6: Make Background a Character In 79 Park Avenue, in which heroine Marja starts out a poor kid from Second Avenue and winds up a Park Avenue call girl, Robbins describes the seamy beachfront world of prostitution as he no doubt observed it growing up:

She walked into the hotel lobby and chose a seat in a discreet out-of-the-way corner. Opportunity a copy of Vogue that she had carried with her, she glanced through it idly. . . .

A few minutes passed. Then a bellboy stopped in front of her. "Room three-eleven," he said in a low voice.

"Three-eleven," she repeated, a smile on her lips.

He nodded. "Right. He's waiting there now."

"Thank you." She smiled, Retention out her hand.

"You're welcome, miss," the bellboy answered, taking the two bills from her. He walked away quickly.

Slowly she done the magazine, glancing nearby the lobby as she stood up. It was normal. The house dick was seeing the other way, the desk clerks were busy with check-ins, the other citizen in the lobby were all guests. Satisfied with her quick check, she sauntered toward the elevators. She had nothing to worry about. Everybody was taken care of. Mac, the landlord of the rooming house, had put her wise to that.

"Pick a place to operate from," he had said knowingly. "Then before you do anything, make sure that Everybody who might be interested is paid off. They'll leave you alone then, even help you."

Obviously, Robbins would not have undertaken a novel with a background of prostitution if the hadn't felt he could do so convincingly. But his use of information and ambiance is what sets this and his other novels apart, makes them as memorable for their depiction of world and place as for their characters.

When choosing on the world in which to place your novel, reconsider the worlds you know so well that you may be overlooking them entirely. Writers have found these worlds, absolutely right in front of their noses, to be the richest and to work most authentically. What, after all, does a writer-or anyone-know better than his or her own life and the lives of those he or she has observed firsthand?

Masterpieces To locate

On the shelves of your library and your used bookstore are countless masterpieces of yesterday that excited and moved their readers because of positive techniques that could work in any age. Isn't storytelling, after all, a timeless art, one we've been perfecting since we first appeared on earth? Why not take down some of these erstwhile blockbusters by the Old Masters? You may want to borrow a few strokes for a best-seller of your own.

Six excellent Elements of a Best Selling Novel

Monday, December 26, 2011

Where to Buy the Amazon Kindle Ebook Reader

A great innovation in the world of reading has been materialized through the exertion of Amazon. Readers now experience the shift from the paper-made books at the online or offline bookstores to the electronically controlled Kindle Electronic Book Reader. With this latest eBook reader, customers need not wait in line. Kindle is a thoughtful way of protecting the environment by lessening the cutting of trees that are used to make papers.

The most unique characteristic with regard to this new gadget is its wireless functionality. It has what is called Whispernet, which is in general responsible to having an Internet relationship in order to maybe download any books on the Kindle eBook reader itself. Anything can as a matter of fact shop, order and buy article of the book by naturally using Whispernet. You don't even need a hotspot area for the relationship or a Pc because all can be fulfilled, mobile with Kindle.


The former ways of reading through books, newspapers, magazines and others have already been enhanced into something which loads up so much article in just one movable eBook reader. The inspiring thing about this stock is that customers can download the first few pages of the books for sample reading prior to finalizing the deal. Aside from that, they also offer a free trial subscription for newspapers. Where to buy Kindle 2 is not a question because it is all the time ready at Amazon's online shopping site.

If you think it's going to cause some eye problems, then you are by all means; of course wrong because it is determined designed to be crisp and natural to read like the usual paper book. Some of the fantastic features that are incorporated with Kindle comprise the smart automatic cross-device bookmarking and annotation, fast page turn, adjustable font size, text-to-speech and the instant on-screen dictionary. These are just some of the characteristics of this new eBook reader product.

The processing time upon doing the download is very quick; you can as a matter of fact get the books you want in just a matter of few minutes. Additionally, Amazon did the upgrade on the processor of the stock so that the screen will refresh colse to 20% quicker in the middle of page turns. Furthermore, it has the ability to load up to 1,500 books or the separate classified newspaper and blog subscriptions, including the Jpeg images.

With this latest Amazon Kindle, individuals can as a matter of fact save a lot of money and time instead of buying costly prices of books at the store. If you are an avid reader and you stay from one place to someone else for some reason, then it would be advisable to purchase an eBook reader to make a separate reading experience. The texts are readable even against the inspiring sunlight, thus, your eyes are all the time well protected. This is by all means; of course a dream-come-true gadget for everyone who desires a totally one of a kind reading experience.

Where to Buy the Amazon Kindle Ebook Reader

Sunday, December 25, 2011

El Universo: Materia oscura, energĂ­a oscura - The Universe: Dark matter / Dark energy

El Universo: Materia oscura, energĂ­a oscura - The Universe: Dark matter / Dark energy Video Clips. Duration : 44.48 Mins.

Los cientĂ­ficos no saben en realidad lo que es, pero la materia oscura y la energĂ­a oscura forman el 96% del Universo. La materia oscura está presente en todas partes. Atraviesa todo lo que conocemos en la Tierra a miles de millones de partĂ­culas por segundo; sin embargo, nadie ha conseguido detectar de forma directa esta misteriosa sustancia oscura. Asimismo, la EnergĂ­a Oscura, que está separando rápidamente nuestro Universo, resulta incluso más desconcertante. Descubierta hace tan sĂłlo diez años, los cientĂ­ficos se esfuerzan en comprender sus insĂłlitas caracterĂ­sticas y dar respuesta a la pregunta fundamental: ¿Cuál es el destino de nuestro Universo?.

Tags: The Universe: Dark matter, science, ciencia, documental, documentary, Universo, prismahs

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Top Ten Things To reconsider When opening a Yoga Studio or beginning A Yoga Studio

Would you walk into a cafeteria you had never been to before and tell the waiter "I just want some hot food, and by the way, it doesn't matter what it costs!" Most citizen think this is ridiculous. But honestly, it is not that separate when someone with years of feel as a yoga teacher decides to open a studio, but does not of course want to know about the company side of things.

I know you want to share your convention with others so that they also may benefit, but please believe when I tell you that you will be able to impact many more people's lives if you choose to learn a exiguous about company before beginning your own studio.


One of the first things a client planning to open a yoga studio will often tell me is how many years they have been practicing yoga. They go on to illustrate on the school they went to and what other yoga feel they have. I honor and admire this kind of feel and the discipline it takes to fetch it.

At the same time, it's my job to point out that if they primarily want to focus on the teaching and convention of yoga, then occasion a studio is probably not for them. If you're shocked, thinking "What background could be better than years of feel with yoga?!", then this article is for you.

Running a company successfully involves far more than just being good at yoga. In fact, in a modern conversation with the founder/director of one of the largest and most victorious yoga studios in Baltimore, she revealed that she's not even an instructor. She emphasized that she is a businesswomen who loves yoga.

Business is a lot more than just giving a service or goods to a customer. It has a whole "behind-the-scenes" part that we don't normally see when we walk in the front door. company is about financial projections, strategic planning, marketing, sales, budgeting, factory maintenance, hiring, sub-contractors, bookkeeping, and so much more.

If you are someone who is willing to learn about these things (and you don't need to be an expert, but you do need to have a working insight of them), then maybe occasion a studio is for you. It can be a wonderfully rewarding and fulfilling experience. It can truly be the fulfillment of a dream for many.

However, insight what is of course complicated before beginning out is critical to success. Here are some things to ask yourself before diving into occasion a studio.

Consideration #1:

Are you willing to work long hours in the beginning? Every small company owner will tell you about the late nights and weekends spent on construction a company from scratch. It's just plain hard work. But, it has great leisure as well. If you're not sure about this, think buying an established studio, or even a yoga franchise.

Consideration #2:

Are you comfortable studying about finances, budgeting and bookkeeping? For better or worse, money is the lifeblood of every business. Without it, the company fails instantly. To succeed, you need to have a moderate deal with on finances. This means knowing how much you earn each month, how much you spend, how much you owe and how much is owed to you.

It also means knowing how much you'll need to earn each month to pay operating expenses (rent, electricity, etc.), payroll (paying employees) and to pay yourself (you need to eat too!). It also means projecting this for the next year, and figuring out how the studio is going to earn this much money (how many students you'll need, inexpressive sessions, etc.) This kind of planning is critical for success.

Consideration #3:

Are you able to accept that company will never be entirely smooth, but rather that it is wrought with some degree bumps and potholes, and that is just part of owning a business? It is estimated that an mean U.S. company faces a "crisis" three to four times per year. This might be a key worker quitting, an Irs audit, a major unexpected expense, etc.

In addition, there are "daily hassles." An teacher is late, someone's check bounced, the stereo doesn't work and so on. This is just part of business. And, as the owner, much of it will be your problem to deal with (until you grow enough to hire a manager, then someone else will worry for you). See it as a wild and captivating adventure that let's you share an marvelous gift with the world, and you'll be fine!

Consideration #4:

Do you have at least 50% more money ready than it seems like you'll need to get started? Most small businesses underestimate their expenses (and overestimate profits) for the first few years. It is rare that running any small company (at least to start with) costs what you expect. It always seems to be more.

This is because there are numerous unexpected and miscellaneous expenses. everything from having the floor polished to paying company taxes to buying a new phone system. It all adds up. Plan ahead for this one, and you won't be surprised.

Consideration #5:

Are you willing to learn about marketing, or do you have the money to hire a pro marketer who will do this for you? I know, marketing makes you think of tele-marketers and used car salesmen. These are just poor examples of marketing, just as a Big Mac is a poor example of gourmand food, yet it is still food (technically).

Marketing plainly means letting citizen whose lives could advantage from yoga know that you have something that would of course help them. If you don't, you not only miss out on business, but you sell them short of having this advantage in their life. imagine if you had a flat tire and were having a hard time changing it, and a tow truck was driving by, but he didn't stop because he felt it would be too pushy to ask you to pay him to help you turn your tire!

People miss out on something they want and need when they don't know about the awesome feel your studio could offer them. Letting them know about this is what true marketing is.

Consideration #6:

Can you accept that while yoga may incorporate energy, spirit and flow, running a company adds a new kind of energy to the mix: money. If you believe your convention is above needing to worry about money, you may be reassured to know that you are not alone. What may be less reassuring is that very few studio owners who hold this perspective stay in company for more than a incorporate of years.

Perhaps in an ideal world, this would be different, but her, now, today, money is a part of our life. Like other forms of energy, money is plainly a way to originate change. This may take the form of having a new studio floor put in, donating to charity , or paying your phone bill.

Money is of course just an additional one form of energy. And it is the form that every company today requires to exist. We don't need to worship it, just view it as an foremost resource. Just as a car needs gas to run, a company needs money. I wish my car ran on something other than gas, but for the time being, I accept that this is how it works. Such is the case that a studio is a company and needs money to operate.

Consideration #7:

Are you of course passionate, not just about practicing yoga, but about sharing the art of yoga with others? Running a yoga studio is about sharing your convention with others. Many of your students will probably be novices. Some will do things that make you cringe, others will make you proud to have made their mastering the art possible.

In running a studio, you will be speedily frustrated if you are not comfortable serving beginners, citizen who like yoga but do it poorly and citizen who don't take it seriously, as well as those that are a pleasure to watch practice.

Consideration #8:

Are you willing to make mistakes and learn from them? Success is about mistakes. Just as Thomas Edison tried over a thousand separate materials for the filament of the light bulb before discovering one that worked, such is business.

Success is not about doing it perfectly the first time - striving for this leads to mediocrity. Success is made of trying, failing and learning; then taking what you learned and doing it better the next time.

Sometimes this arrival is referred to as "Fire...Aim...Fire...Aim..." If you're a perfectionist, running a company may be very frustrating to you. company is very imperfect, and those who are most victorious at it, and who find it most fulfilling, are those who truly understand that things just need to be "good enough" and not perfect.

Consideration #9:

Are you able to do this without destroying your personal life, should it fail? While no one plans for a new company to fail, and it's of course the last thing you want to think about, it does sometimes happen. Plan your disunion while you are still in love.

In other words, you need to establish an exit strategy for the company in the beginning. You don't want to lose your house and have to voice bankruptcy if things don't pan out. Do your best to make sure you can personally survive even if the company does not. If you can't, then this may not be the best time to start a studio, or maybe finding a partner or investor to share the burden would help. There are many creative solutions that could work for you.

Consideration #10:

Are you willing to make a standard company plan? I believe this is the singular most foremost item on the list. The company plan doesn't need to be in the form a bank needs to lend you money, but it should be complete.

It is unfortunately all too true that "failing to plan is planning to fail." A real company plan outlines the way your studio will operate. It defines the kind of citizen who will come to your classes and inexpressive sessions, it estimates how many clients and students you need each month in order to pay the bills. It is like having a map with you when you are on a long road trip.

By the way, the fancy that banks want to see a company plan before lending money is because they know that most businesses that don't have one will end up failing, and they don't want to lend money if they might not get paid back. Doing a company plan isn't hard (I often guide my clients straight through this process. There are also numerous books ready on the subject at your local bookstore). however you do it, make sure you have a plan.

In Conclusion:

These are among the most foremost things I believe someone should think when occasion a studio. Take your time, plan it out, then, if it still looks and feels right for you, take the leap.

Owning a studio can be one of the most rewarding things there is. My very best wishes for you on this captivating adventure. I encourage you to take a look at other items I've written on running a studio for more guidance (visit my website at for weekly articles and free yoga company downloads).

If you are finding for personal, one-on-one retain in beginning a new yoga studio, you may find our yoga company coaching schedule extremely valuable. feel me at for additional information.

Wherever your journey takes you, may you find peace, fulfillment and success.

Top Ten Things To reconsider When opening a Yoga Studio or beginning A Yoga Studio

Friday, December 23, 2011

Me VS God, Part V: Why We Believe

Me VS God, Part V: Why We Believe Video Clips. Duration : 8.67 Mins.

This video explains the origins of many religious beliefs, and why those origins are not trustworthy avenues to truth. Human cognitive bias is well-documented for its power to push men into belief, even when those beliefs have been entirely fabricated out of nothing. An example case from the peer-reviewed literature (Festinger & Carlsmith, 1957) is discussed to show how this happens, and under what conditions. Then a talk from the LDS church is presented as a textbook example of how psychological conditioning can exploit this exact effect to create belief in a religious faith. Cognitive bias is a great way of generating belief, but a lousy way of generating knowledge. Unfortunately, religion gives higher priority to belief, so it does not matter how manipulative the "proof" for God may be. Anything that generates converts is happily exploited, while skepticism is always shunned. This is where religious converts come from. The only way to stop it is to educate people on their own psychological fallibility.

Keywords: atheism, LDS, church, mormons, religion, insufficient, justification, why, we, believe, psychology, Anti, Citizen

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Real Story of Joe The Plumber

Real Story of Joe The Plumber Video Clips. Duration : 5.60 Mins.

Watch more clips at

Tags: the, young, turks, barack, obama, john, mccain, economic, plan, democratic, president, nominee, republican, joe, plumber, debate, comments

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tutorial desarrollo Algoritmos Pseudocodigo PSeInt 2011 Parte1 (Introduccion).wmv

Tutorial desarrollo Algoritmos Pseudocodigo PSeInt 2011 Parte1 (Introduccion).wmv Tube. Duration : 10.38 Mins.

Parte 1 Inicio del VideoTuto diseño de Algoritmos Nociones Previas Sigue aqui la parte 2 Declaracion de Variables en Pseudo Codigo Parte 3 Sentencias Condicionales Si Entonces (If ) Parte 4 Ejercicio Practico Calculadora "Arcaica" Parte 5 Calculadora Arcaica V.2 Parte 6 Sentencia Condicional Segun (CASE) Parte 7 Sentencia Repetiviva Mientras (WHILE) bucles Parte 8 Sentencia Repetitiva Mientras (While) Contadores y Sentencia Repetir (Repeat Loop) Parte 9 Sentencia Repetitiva Para (For) Parte 10 Declaracion de Vectores (Arrays) Parte 11 Operaciones con Vectores Parte 12 Declaracion de Matricez Subiendo... VideoTutorial con proposito educativo que explica como desarrollar Algoritmos a travez de la escritura de pseudo codigo con la herramienta PSeInt En esta primera parte se explica la herramienta a utilizar el PSeInt el cual se explica como descargar e instalar y las primeras pautas

Keywords: Algoritmos, estructura, de, datos, pseudo, codigo, pseint, programacion, basico, taller, mi, primer, programa, sony, vegas, video, tutorial, desarrollo, ejercicios, ejemplos, leer, si, sino, escribir, mientras, para, hacer, if, else, elseif, while, for, camtasia, studio, universidad, peru, software, Primer (textbook), Intro, Vector Graphics, Editing, Ericsson, Recording, Intro (band), software tutorial, music, Musical Ensemble, Jon, 05, bw

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Beginning Sounds Part 4

Beginning Sounds Part 4 Video Clips. Duration : 9.85 Mins.

Learn English with the "Easy Way to English" textbook by Maureen Kill. More practice at:

Tags: English, ABC, alphabet, numbers, learn, study, vocabulary, ESL, language, englishabc, 123

Monday, December 19, 2011

Philip and Melanie 1/3/2011 (Philip holds his son, Melanie & Daniel, Phelanie, Kate & Philip)

Philip and Melanie 1/3/2011 (Philip holds his son, Melanie & Daniel, Phelanie, Kate & Philip) Video Clips. Duration : 11.20 Mins.

Thank you Vondynaley for doing the clips. Quite a few things to comment on here so let's get started - Loved Philip going to see Parker and finally getting to hold him knowing he was his father. As I have hinted at for months, Chloe is not taking this well. Melanie broke my heart today, though I had vowed not to let her get to me, but dammit she did...when she wanted to take Parker from Phloe and broke down at the thought of losing him too. Ah man., hit me. The fact that her mind went there, trying to hurt Philip and Chloe as badly as she is hurting. The anger and the pain...the complete loss of heart went out to her. All that have doubted that Melanie loved her family and her husband need to hush right now. You don't get to this level of anguish without truly LOVING what you have lost. We had to include a small Stephanie and Nathan scene...because he is a jerk and a coward and I wanted it on record in these clips, that he doesn't want to marry Stephanie and is not man enough to tell her. You draw whatever conclusions about him you want, but I am putting it out there to be included in my documented body of reasons why I loathe his character. Add it to the pile please.. Loved Kate and Philip....she may be a lot of things but she has always been a good mother to Philip. Today was no different. What she said to Philip and then the hug got me teary. Speaking of teary...Philip's voice cracking as he tells Melanie she can't leave...awww....just one small ...

Tags: Phelanie, Philip, Kiriakis, Melanie, Layton, Molly, Burnett, Jay, Kenneth, Johnson, slyn, 11

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pavarotti / di Stefano - Ah fuyez douce image (live)

Pavarotti / di Stefano - Ah fuyez douce image (live) Tube. Duration : 9.30 Mins.

I've had some requests to do some comparisons of different singers singing the same roles. This is also somewhat inspired by Mr. 'ShawDAMAN's 'Dueling tenors' posts. Anyways, here are two great Italian lyric tenors singing the role of Des Grieux in a very beautiful French opera, Manon. The aria is 'Ah fuyez douce image', or in Italian, 'Ah dispair vision'. Giuseppe di Stefano sings it in French in a 1951 broadcast production (although this seems to have been recorded in the prompter's box). Luciano Pavarotti sings it in Italian in a 1969 production. This particular aria with its killer tessitura is one of the most difficult to sing in the repertoire. Even more difficult than hitting all the notes without cracking is the fact that one has to sing the passages convincingly, paying particular attention to the phrasing and dynamics. I'm not going to name a favorite here (though I have one in mind). I'll let you do that. Be sure to state your reasons though. On the issue of di Stefano, everyone knows that he sang dangerously open and burned his voice out quickly. The style he used would not have been damaging had he remained within his repertoire. His voice was a textbook tenore di grazia, think Tagliavini, Schipa, young Gigli, singers of that nature. All of these tenors sang with this very open bright sound like di Stefano. The problem with di Stefano was that he pushed his voice using this open way of singing when he ventured into the heavier roles. Young vocal cords are ...

Keywords: pavarotti, di, stefano, Ah, fuyez, douce, image, manon, massenet, luciano, giuseppe, lescaut, des, grieux, dispair, vision, french, italian, tenor, opera, German, Singer

Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Study: Reading Effectively

How to Study: Reading Effectively Video Clips. Duration : 8.18 Mins.

My take on how to take notes while reading literature and textbooks. I truly apologize for this video. I tried to salvage all I could with I the plethora of technical difficulties that were put out for me. I promise my videos we be so much better... I'm still getting used to this!

Tags: school, supply, supplies, how, to, study, easy, tips, reading, textbooks, highlighting, annotating, 101

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reflections on System Dynamics and Strategy

Reflections on System Dynamics and Strategy Video Clips. Duration : 60.77 Mins.

What is the relationship between system dynamics and strategy? This question has occupied much of my career. I review some personal milestones that have brought me to my current view of the complementarities and differences between business dynamics (the branch of system dynamics for modelling firms and industries) and contemporary strategy. John Morecroft is Senior Fellow in Management Science and Operations at London Business School where he teaches system dynamics, problem structuring and strategy in MBA, PhD and Executive Education programs. He has served as Associate Dean of the Schools Executive MBA and co-designed EMBA-Global, a dual degree program with New Yorks Columbia Business School. He is a leading expert in strategic modeling and system dynamics and has written numerous papers and journal articles. He has co-edited three books and written a system dynamics textbook Strategic Modeling and Business Dynamics (Wiley 2007). He is a recipient of the Jay Wright Forrester Award of the System Dynamics Society and a Past President of the Society. His research interests include the dynamics of firm performance and the use of models and simulation in strategy development. He has led applied research projects for international organizations including Royal Dutch/Shell, AT&T, BBC World Service, Cummins Engine Company, Harley-Davidson, Ericsson, McKinsey & Co and Mars. Before joining London Business School he was on the faculty of MITs Sloan School of Management where he ...

Keywords: Morecroft, Presentation, F09, WPI

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Top 10 Viral Videos of 2010 - #8 (Dr. Laura N-Word Rant)

Top 10 Viral Videos of 2010 - #8 (Dr. Laura N-Word Rant) Tube. Duration : 4.52 Mins.

New TYT Network channels: New TYT Facebook Page(!): Follow us on Twitter: DISCOUNTS: FREE Movies(!): Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): Check Out TYT Interviews If you're going to make a point about racial sensitivity, Dr. Laura is probably not the best person for the job. On Tuesday, the controversial radio host fielded a call on her program from an African-American woman who said she was weary of her white husband's family and friends' racist comments. Dr. Laura immediately went on the offensive, asking the caller to cite specific examples, because "Some people are hypersensitive." The caller, a woman named Jade, explained that her husband's comrades ask her questions like "How do you black people like doing this? Do black people really like doing that?" -- which Schlessinger promptly dismissed as "not racist." It's funny, because I thought that ascribing a particular set of traits to a person based on the color of her skin was pretty much the textbook definition of racism, but, clearly, I'm no doctor. "A lot of blacks voted for Obama simply 'cause he was half-black,'" Dr. Laura continued. "Didn't matter what he was going to do in office. It was a black thing." The caller then pressed on, asking: "What about the N-word? The ...

Keywords: dr, laura, black, caller, people, white, men, can't, jump, team, racist, n-word, rant, hbo, comic, comedy, nigger, word, schlessinger, conservative, talk, radio, show, host, skin, color, race, news, resigned, tyt, young, turks, cenk, uygur, ana, kasparian, The

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gang Starr - The ? Remainz

Gang Starr - The ? Remainz Video Clips. Duration : 3.60 Mins.

Taken from Full Clip, before only available as 12" single.

Tags: gang, starr, guru, premier, jeru, lil, dap, big, shug, full, clip, bahamadia, hip, hop, rap, classic, On, The, Run, Since, Birth

Monday, December 12, 2011

Johnny A at the SellVille

Johnny A at the SellVille Tube. Duration : 9.93 Mins.

The A team touches down at the Sellersville Theatre......this is a textbook compendium of guitar styles....who do you hear??? Best thing for me, learned his wife IS his hair stylist.....but he sure can play.......

Keywords: johnny, a, geils, wolf, guitar, boston, JRGUITAR

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kitchen Interior found Ideas

When it comes to seeing kitchen interior produce ideas, you may have come over many assorted photo galleries and interior produce pictures to get inspired about your own kitchen theme and design.

You may have noticed that when you hunt on the Internet, it is sometimes so easy to find photo galleries for produce ideas, while the quality of the ideas offered are not that new or interesting.


That is why this article is going to help you seek more fresh and creative ideas for your kitchen interior designs.

How to Find Your favorite Kitchen Interior produce Pictures?

Before you hunt for ideas and galleries online, it is important to know the separate styles and themes your kitchen style can have.

You may pick from assorted styles like modern, traditional, cozy, contemporary, black and white, colorful, Asian, African, Japanese, or other creative interior produce ideas that can be used for your kitchen.

Knowing exactly what kind of designs you like the most, will help make your hunt more targeted and easier to find. Because general produce photo galleries may include hundreds of pictures, but sometimes they are too broad and not much helpful to find the perfect kitchen produce you are seeing for.

On the other hand, when you hunt for a definite style like contemporary kitchen interior produce galleries, you are much more likely to find your favorite produce that interests you the most.

So either you enjoy contemporary or traditional, cozy or elegant, Japanese or European styles in decorating your home and kitchen, you can simply find many free galleries online.

No longer you need to pay thousands of dollars to a pro designer to make the option for you. Now you can assuredly find the theme you like the most and decorate your home that way, salvage a lot of money.

Tips for seeing Free Kitchen produce Ideas
One way is browsing straight through the interior produce section of your local bookstore. You will assuredly find a section dedicated to this definite category. You can find many books and photo galleries there with many pictures you can get inspired by.

Another very useful option is searching online for free kitchen produce galleries. You can assuredly find many free websites that offer a wide variety of remodeling and decorating tips, ideas and pictures you can use.

Simply visit Google and hunt for the definite style and theme you are seeing for, and you are guaranteed to find many free photo galleries full of fresh ideas.

Kitchen Interior found Ideas

Saturday, December 10, 2011

101 Ways to MAKE FIRE - #10 World Cup Football and Zebra Turd

101 Ways to MAKE FIRE - #10 World Cup Football and Zebra Turd Tube. Duration : 4.30 Mins.

How to make fire without matches. Welcome to South Africa. I'm Rob. Yes ROB, with a B. The little soccer ball is almost certainly not Fifa approved, but I don't think they can throw me in jail for that. The ball was bought at the local "Chinese shop", one of those tiny spaces that stocks...

Keywords: World, Cup, South, Africa, Mbombela, stadium, FIRE, futbol, lowvelder, football, soccer, fans, rampage, Italy, Germany, Brazil, England, Mexico, France, Argentia, USA, United, states, america, 101, ways, smigtin, funny, videos, comedy, smoke, turd, dung, educational, video, science, chemistry, experiment, cool, trick, youtube, beer, crash, and, burn, go, down, flames, Rob, with, ab, robwithab, robwitha

Friday, December 9, 2011

Environmental Domains and Dimensions

Environment can be defined as all factors surface an organization's boundaries that work on the activities of the organization. Environmental factors consist of information, capital, material, people, and other organizations. For example, consider a fast-food hamburger bistro near a college campus. An environmental factor would be the supplier from whom the bistro buys its ground beef. Statistics on college enrollment would be a factor. Data about patterns of hamburger consumption among college students would be another factor.

Often new factors are introduced into the environment that are important to managers. The campus bookstore may open a bistro serving hamburgers which is in direct competition with the fast-food restaurant. Discontentment with the college food assistance may bring more students into the bistro more often. The choosing of a new president in Argentina may result in a turn in beef export course that affects the price of ground beef in the United States. Managers need to know not only what factors work on their firm, but what result these factors may have.


A manager's insight of environmental factors is helped by studying to identify environmental domains which consist of groups of factors. We can conceptualize and analyze six environmental domains that work on the activities of an organization: economic, political, social, technological, competitive, and bodily domains. Some organizations may have factors in each of these domains. Other organizations may have factors in only one domain. However, managers should be knowledgeable about each domain. Changes in the environment may transform domains once thought to be negligible into domains that heavily work on the firm.

Environmental Domains and Dimensions

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Getting bucked off a three year old!

Getting bucked off a three year old! Tube. Duration : 0.50 Mins.

*Please read before commenting* He thought he could fly xD Oh the joy of owning youngsters :D hehe! He wasn't hurt atall, and I was absolutey fine too. :D As you can see he's not mistreated, stressed out, worried, scared, panicing, or "a bad horse". What he is, is a young horse. If any of you have worked with them you know that they have bursts of energy and at one point or another they try to test you out, if not many times. This was Jumanji starting his pole training a few weeks after being backed and he got a little excited. No one had ever fallen off him before. I've spent over a year with him on the ground, from him being a wild two year old to the confident trusting three year old he is here. We both know each other inside and out and back to front and would never do anything to hurt oneanother. But at the end of the day he's still a horse and probobly never even knew I could fall off him! I'd either been, to him, stuck to the floor or stuck to his back! So I would appreciate no critisism as you don't know this little pony half as well as I do, have ever ridden him, or know what he is and is not capable of. I love him with my whole life and he will never ever be sold, so any mistakes I make are my mistakes and I'll have to live with them, so just because we aren't "textbook" doesn't matter, he knows what I'm asking and I know what he's asking. And if you still think "wow she's gonna ruin that horse, she can't ride, he's bad, and she doesn't have a clue how to train ...

Tags: horse, pony, falling, off, bronco, rear, buck, leap, funny, fall, irish, draught, welsh, cob, backing, breaking, three, year, old, Heartbreak, In, Ster, Iero

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bizarre Dreams Can Be Explained

Have you ever determined what your dreams might mean? Think about it, some of them are very captivating indeed. There are many good books out there about dreams, some in paperback others only ready in hardback. There are step-by-step instructions on deconstructing and then reconstructing your dreams to help you better understand them.

After spending all day in the bookstore checking out the discrete titles and manuals to understand the inner workings of our dreams it seems that there are only a few truly good books on the subject. I very much recommend over all other books on the market:


"The Art of Dreaming: Creative Tools for Dream Work" by Jill Mellick

I very much enjoyed reading thru it and although I have to ask a few of the books that she cites in her great work, I have no qoute with the rest of it. I was fascinated by the conference on imaginary cord, vigor painting and dream entity strategies. I was extremely concerned in the ideas put forth to help keep track of your dreams and help remember them. I would say that you should buy this book and skip all the rest of this type.

Jill is the real deal and her book is astonishing she has done a astronomical job in her studies and in her writing skills. Do not waste your time or money on the other questionable books of this type, they are naturally not written with the same expertise or authority as Jill has presented, although I have not completed reading the book, all I can say is a two-thumbs up for this astonishing work.

Bizarre Dreams Can Be Explained

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One Nation Under Lee - Part 4

One Nation Under Lee - Part 4 Video Clips. Duration : 9.33 Mins.

Go or if you want to watch all 5 parts uninterrupted (45 min). The truth about Lee Kuan Yew and his deeds; or what Lee doesn't want you to know; or what you can't find in your history textbook.

Keywords: Lee, Kuan, Yew, singapore, corruption, history, story, media, contr, wisb, 07

Monday, December 5, 2011

Podger Hitachi 79 Unlock

Podger Hitachi 79 Unlock Video Clips. Duration : 8.35 Mins.

Video tutorial for flashing an Xbox 360 Hitachi 79 without a modchip or programmer. This uses Podger's 79 Unlock. You can find more information on this here: To the ESA or anybody looking to take this video down: This is a private, homemade video. I have copied no video content or broken any copyright laws by uploading this video, so don't try to remove this using a DMCA complaint - because this video does not violate the DMCA.

Keywords: podger, hitachi, 79, unlock, textbook, 360mods, toolbox, flash, 360, Mods

Sunday, December 4, 2011

learning to Lose by David Trueba

Learning to Lose is an inspiring intergenerational saga - first appeared in Spanish and then translated in English. This is a rather voluminous book consisting of six hundred pages which follows the fortunes of Sylvia, Lorenzo (her father) and Leandro (her grandfather). The starting of studying to Lose is rather sad, where Sylvia's grandmother falls and her hips are broken. Leandro gets her admitted into a hospital and picks up the newspaper while waiting outside.

After The Sad Start


He comes over an ad, which is precisely a brothel and decides to go there. He loses all control and morals and becomes a sex addict. Leandro starts spending all his resignation money on a Nigerian prostitute (and time too). Sylvia herself gets her leg broken by a car being driven by Ariel, an Argentinean pro soccer player. Ariel is ridden with pangs of guilt and both of them start having a passionate affair as she recuperates.

Trouble Doesn't Spare Anyone

Lorenzo, Sylvia's father has killed Paco, his business partner because he cheated him and nearly made him (Lorenzo) financially broke. For distinct reasons, Lorenzo is involved about the consequences and is worried about his daughter who has now come to live with him. The book studying to Lose is rather long though the questions raised by it are precisely inspiring and engage the readers. Readers may also want to know what happened to the affair in the middle of Ariel and Sylvia since she is a minor at the time of affair.

Enjoy It Slowly

Since it's a translation, readers may enjoy the storyline slowly, but once they complete it, they'll find it's worthwhile. The characters are trying to leave unscathed, though the readers are aware it won't happen. Relationships appear difficult to carry on right from the beginning, due to some factors, along with their nationalities. The story appears very human when the characters try to hurt their partners so they can protect themselves from the apparent doom (failure of relationships).

The Insecurities Are Clear

Throughout this long tale, the insecurities of the characters are pretty clear, and their attempts to make the relationships last even when they know it's not possible seems very human. The thoughts and dialogues go together, creating a confusing but inspiring tale and web of ideas.

learning to Lose by David Trueba

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Where to Get an Example Eulogy

If you are reading this article, chances are that you have lost someone close to you recently and I would like to give you my condolences and say that I am terribly sorry for your loss. Dying is a part of life, but it is not an easy part. It is very painful to lose somebody and giving them a great eulogy speech is something that you can do to honor them and their life. If you are in the position of having to write a eulogy speech, this can also be a stressful, difficult situation to be in. That is why you are most likely looking for the best place to find an example eulogy or a box of eulogy examples.

The internet happens to be the best and most suitable place to get a hold of a great example eulogy or a bundle of eulogy examples. What you want to look for are ones that were written whether by professionals, or by someone who is gifted in the art of writing a eulogy speech. Also, a lot of times as a part of a box deal (or as a bonus), a eulogy example box will include noted eulogy examples that have been given to and from celebrities as well as other very important people.


You can also get an example eulogy book at a local bookstore or library, that is of procedure if they have any in stock. Most of the time, the internet is going to be the best place to find eulogy examples because when you are grieving someone's passing, the bookstore or library are not actually places you want to go. The internet allows you to buy an example eulogy box and download it right to your hard drive. Then, you can open it up and read it right there and start writing your own eulogy speech while using the examples as a reference.

Where to Get an Example Eulogy

Friday, December 2, 2011

David Nunan TESOL Seminar: Motivating Young Learners

David Nunan TESOL Seminar: Motivating Young Learners Tube. Duration : 5.37 Mins.

© Anaheim University 2008 The original video can be seen at World renowned linguist Dr. David Nunan speaks on "Motivating Young Learners" at the Anaheim University Akio Morita Learning Center in Tokyo, Japan. Anaheim University Dean of the Graduate School of Education Dr. David Nunan is the worlds leading textbook author with worldwide sales exceeding 300000000. He is the former President of TESOL, the worlds largest language teaching organization, and has written approximately 100 major publications for such publishing companies as Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Thomson Learning, Heinle & Heinle, etc.

Keywords: anaheimu

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Shocking Truth About the Truth

It is a known fact that there is much data in the world opposed to our knowing, loving, and understanding the truth. We can go into any library or bookstore and scrutinize stacks and rows of favorite books purporting themes and schemes to scrutinize hidden, esoteric, and or selfish practices that by which we can manipulate the world, other people, and materials for our own deceptive, devious, and liberal practices, thus, thwarting, stunting, and moderately choking the breath and life of the spirit to an impassable ennui.

Today, as in all today's since the beginning of time, we stand on a pivotal precipice where we must desire to select to know, love, and serve the truth because the essence of Truth, cannot and will not ever be defined, confined, and pin pointed, into a stagnant morass muddled by impediments to our spiritual growth. The truth is all nearby us waiting to be known, loved, and served in our fellow men and women, our neighbors, our communities, our Nations, our governments, and in our societies.


Truth is a man. Jesus Christ is the Truth, the Life, and the Way. Truth is truth whether we know it or not; whether we believe it or not. With or without us; truth is. The truth can never be eradicated because it is in every fiber of our being and in every atom of our makeup; it seeks to be expressed in knowledge, love and service. The Holy Spirit of Truth, whom the Father sends in the Son's name Jesus, will guide us into all truth, and teach us all things. (John 14:26)

Ennui = the keen sense of boredom caused by a lack of interest; an intolerable weariness and discontentment with life that results from a loss of interest or sense of excitement.

The Shocking Truth About the Truth

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Chris Hanburger - 2011 Pro Football Hall of Fame Presentation and Speech (8-5-2011)

Chris Hanburger - 2011 Pro Football Hall of Fame Presentation and Speech (8-5-2011) Tube. Duration : 14.63 Mins.

The son of former Redskin's LB Chris Hanburger explains why his father was one of the most durable and textbook tacklers the NFL has ever seen and presents his father for Enshrinement into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. HAIL TO THE HANGMAN

Tags: Chris Hanburger, Hall of Fame, Washington Redskins, httr4lifebng, bng, HTTR, lifebn

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Final Fantasy VII: Killed by KotR?!

Final Fantasy VII: Killed by KotR?! Video Clips. Duration : 3.15 Mins.

What happens when you haxxor too much? Watch and find out. In case you were wondering how I did this, the answer is 'With great care'. It involves using modding tools to alter the enemy AI (written in assembler, as if things weren't tricky enough already), creating new scenes and attacks, and using the excellent resources offered at QHIMM by individuals like NFITC1, who practically wrote the textbook on FF7 AI modding. None of this would have been possible without individuals like him and Terrence. Anyway, enjoy.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Astronomy - spectroscopy - 1/3

Astronomy - spectroscopy - 1/3 Video Clips. Duration : 9.98 Mins.

A good basic introduction to what spectroscopy is and how it's used in astronomy. See and so on for more detailed information.

Keywords: astronomy, spectrograph, spectrometry, rhcrcgvp

Sunday, November 27, 2011

History Of Italian Cooking

Many habitancy who love a given field want to know more about it. What its origin is, how it came about, who discovered it, etc. Human curiosity is a mighty thing and without it all we know today would not have been possible. Without asking questions and wanting to know more, nothing would have ever been invented, nothing would have been created. This goes for anything: electricity, fire, and one of the most primitive great finds, cooking and all the varying types of cooking that have been created. Given this logic, it makes sense that habitancy who love Italian cooking would want to learn the history of Italian cooking!

The history of Italian cooking dates back to aged Greek times where it was first invented. If one wants to learn specific details of this long enduring cooking style they can be absolutely and easily found on the internet. The internet these days seems to be the estimate go to source for information on just about anything and all on can think of. The results that come up for the history of Italian cooking will have you reading for days, months, and even years depending on how serious you are about the subject.


Or maybe you like to learn from books. Your local bookstore or library will surely have abundance of resources for you to select from when finding up the history of Italian cooking. These resources will often give you titles of other books and publications that can offer you more information and insight on this inviting subject.

Some habitancy enjoy talking with others when it comes to learning rather than sitting with a book or a blinking internet page. Why not ask man you know who is of Italian descent and see what they might know about the subject. This exertion might lead you on an inviting new adventure in your life. They might know more about the history of Italian cooking than you could have ever imagined. Maybe man in their birth legacy was one of the first Italian chefs in history! You never know! Your straightforward investigatory hunt might open up a world of new ideas you never view possible! You might even find yourself writing a book on what you have discovered. Or maybe you find yourself taking a trip to see some of the places where the first Italian meals were prepared! Or it might it even make you perceive that learning history is your passion. Maybe now suddenly you want to teach the history of Italian cooking to others. The possibilities are endless!

History Of Italian Cooking

Saturday, November 26, 2011

How To Spot A Narcissist - Lesson 1

How To Spot A Narcissist - Lesson 1 Tube. Duration : 2.85 Mins.

A Narcissist Will Never Meet You Halfway. The first in a series of lessons on how to spot a narcissist and avoid the shenanigans they create. Written by Emily Johnson learn more at Starring Matthew King, Matt Offerman, Emily Johnson and Echo Kellum Directed by Jon Hill Produced by Emily Johnson Also Produced by Jens Kohler Edited by Isaiah Camp Sound Mix by Jay Nierenberg http Colorist, Richard Flores Jr. Music by Kevin Mac Leod http

Tags: how to spot a narcissist, textbook, narcissism, selfish, i heart me, acting, lesson, comedy, short, film, educational, video, DIY, demonstration, Matt King, Matt Offerman, Emily Johnson, Echo Kellum, webseries, web, series, Jon Hill, argument, eajhere

Friday, November 25, 2011

How to Cover a Book with Paper- Arts & Crafts

How to Cover a Book with Paper- Arts & Crafts Video Clips. Duration : 3.72 Mins.

All books are susceptible to damage from regular wear and tear. You can make a book cover to protect your book using paper supplies around the home. To buy Appu Series CDs or Books, please visit ‪

Keywords: art, craft, origami, paper, folding, paper folding, fun, school, teachers, appuseries, easy, fast, tutorial, instructional video, educational, how to, how to make, crafts, arts, brain, challenge, intriguing, game, play, solving, Free, skills, cover, notebook, book, wrapping, protect, wear, tear, supplies

Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to become a expert Tarot Reader

Tarot card reading goes in and out of favor with the social on a quarterly basis. When it's hot, you can make a lot of money - possibly even enough to live on. When readings are not the rage, as with any freelance career, you'll need to keep your day job.

Either way, if you're good at:


1. Reading the cards

2. Relating to people

3. Marketing yourself

you can be assured of earning money.

How to Be a favorite Card Reader

The first thing to remember about reading cards professionally, is that your client can tell if you're sincere or not. You've got to be sincere. You've got to truly want the best for your client.

Secondly, you must always reassure your client that whatever comes up in the cards is not written in stone. Tell her that she alone determines her own fate. Remind her that the cards are simply reflecting patterns. They don't dictate what will happen to her.

If you get a "bad" card, for instance, don't just tell the client the "bad news." Tell her that she has an chance now to overcome a problem. Frame your card interpretations in a way that encourages her to find solutions to her life problems. You want to energize your client, fill her with hope and ambition, no matter what cards come up. Check out the Tarot section of the Psychic Tea Shoppe - all the readings, even the "reverse" cards, are hopeful.

Getting Work

You can go at this from many angles.

1. Get yourself hired by a telephone-based or Internet-based company. The company gets the clients and forwards them to you.

When you work for a phone-based company, you must have a dedicated phone line with no add-on's like call waiting. Log in to the company's computer when you want to work, and sit by the phone with your cards during the time you are logged in.

2. Go freelance. Like any professional, you'll need company cards and a website. You can take out ads in local periodicals if you'll be reading for habitancy face to face. If your clients will come to you via phone or the web, you might consider Internet advertising.

3. Join a networking group - whether a local in-person group, or an Internet group.

Freelance Tarot card reading opportunities include:

Reading at parties
Renting a booth at "psychic" or "new age" conventions and doing readings and promotion from there
Arranging for a table at a bistro or bookstore, sometimes paying the preparation a division of your earnings and other times letting the bookstore use your services to draw in more store customers
Setting up an Internet reading site (requires getting a merchant reputation card list and Paypal)
Setting up your own telephone Tarot reading company (again, you must get a reputation card/Paypal account)
Reading the Tarot cards in person from a storefront. You can dispose for your storefront to be a part of an existing store, and pay rent. (For safety reasons, don't read for clients out of your home, and don't go to whatever else's home - unless it's for a well-populated party.)

There are many laws, ordinances, restrictions and town rules on the books, no matter where you read your Tarot cards. If you're reading for money, you certainly must do the legal investigate first.

Keep records and pay taxes. I would recommend a computer-based bookkeeping program. And make back-ups every night! Keep the back-ups off-site in case of fire or theft, or buy storehouse space on the Internet.

You're in a company that is not mainstream, and without perfect report keeping and impeccable tax returns, you're going to originate problems for yourself.

And finally, I would recommend purchasing an uncostly assurance liability policy.

Reading People

Being a expert Tarot card reader is an awesome chance to inspect others, to get out of your own problems and needs, and to make your clients feel good about themselves. inspect them as they come in, sit down, make small talk. Don't be afraid to ask questions or let them talk out a problem. Catch their eye, make a connection. You'll get a better card reading.

The flip side is this: Don't let yourself be taken advantage of. When habitancy start talking, they often can't stop. Set a timer when the client sits down. You're going to get many types of habitancy as clients. Some will have big issues. Don't take it personally if person becomes angry with you. And do usher the client out if they are rude or disrespectful.

Be good at reading the cards. Be intuitive about people. You'll make a spectacular, Tarot reader.

How to become a expert Tarot Reader

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Top Ten Ways to Write a Book That Sells

Is there a book inside of you? Yes? Then why don't you write it? Or, if you've already written a book, wouldn't you like to sell more? So many of you have a great idea for a book, even a dynamite title, but much more is needed to write a book that sells. Here's the top ten ways to write a book that sells: 1. Write what's intelligent to you and what will still interest you in two plus years. You can pronounce all of the parts to writing a book much great if you know a diminutive and want to know more about your subject.

2. Have passion about your topic. If your book is an extension of you, you'll be more willing to do the work involved. You'll need sustained passion to produce talks, seminars, articles or consulting services. Passion helps you be a titillating radio or teleclass guest.


3. get ready for each chapter before you write. Have a format plan that includes headlines throughout to produce your chapter so well; your reader can't put it down. To avoid a thin chapter list questions and facts that present only to the one chapter and thesis you work on at a time. You will then reply these questions, thus fulfilling your need to benefit your audience. These techniques make it easy for your reader to understand.

4. Commit to a regular writing schedule. Lackadaisical or non-focused efforts fail. A book doesn't end itself. A page a day equals a book a year. Think about your circumstances. Just how much time can you put into this effort with all of your other priorities? Take a diminutive and determine to let go of something not as compelling for the moment. Dong it all at once dilutes your efforts.

5. Write fast so you can furnish chapters fast sufficient to get published sooner to get the cash flow going faster. Use the "fast-forward" writing technique in chapter seven of the book "How to Write your eBook or Other Short Book--Fast!" Each chapter must reply all of your readers' questions. All non-fiction chapters have a similar distance because their format is the same. Remember, you can write a short book (25-90 pages) your first time.

6. Store your book as your write each chapter. Know and write such necessary "hot-selling points" as your 60-second "tell and sell," your exact audience, your sparkling introduction that is a mini sales letter, and your back cover or Web sales letter for each book you write.

7. Know your audience before your write your book to keep it organized, flowing, and compelling. Keep their photo by your workstation. Write your audience profile first to comprise their sex, their top interest, what they spend money on, their Internet savvy, what books they want and need. Your branch must benefit your audience or they won't buy your book. What audiences want what you have? Who will let go of their hard-earned money to buy your book? Remember that women buy 78 percent of all trade books. Is your branch narrow enough?

8. Write your non-fiction, self-help book first. While writing a novel may draw you, start with the moneymaking book first, so you can finance your other efforts. Think a shorter first book, maybe 30-90 pages. Today, citizen are busy. They want data fast and easy. Make your chapters shorter too. If you reply 4 questions about one chapter topic, you will originate a four-page chapter. 9. Put your book into your readers' hands. Think first, "What's the purpose of my book?" Think about your audience and your fame. Will they indeed go the bookstore finding for your book? Since distributors often go broke, think about distributing your book yourself. Today it is easy with the estimate one way to promote--Online. And, it's free with a short learning curve. Ask your book or Internet marketing coach. 10. Make things happen. Even if you are one of the chosen 1-2% an agent or publisher accepts, if you are an unknown, they will contribute diminutive marketing. After a book tour and placing your book on the bookstore shelves for three months, you'll have to pick up the talon and lead your own marketing efforts. So start early and take a teleclass or read a book on how a non-techie can sell a book Online straight through free articles and other free, easy ways.

Top Ten Ways to Write a Book That Sells

Monday, November 21, 2011

Banish Tonsil Stones narrate

Having tonsil stones is not the end of the world. While it will deprive you from doing sure things, there is absolutely a way to get rid of it for good. Banish Tonsil Stones is one book that will teach you all the tricks that you will need.

1. Banish Tonsil Stones: A Bird's Eye View.


Just to give you a discern of what the book Banish Tonsil Stones is all about, you will be surprised to find out that none tackles any form of chemical medication or surgery. Instead, it will give you an idea on how to beat the disease in the most convenient, cheapest and easiest way.

Banish Tonsil Stones is a gift to many people who have been suffering from this very unfavourable condition. In this book, they will find relief and hope that one of these days, they will be freed from the bondage of a foul breath.

2. Knowing The Root Of The Problem.

This is a book for people who are not only suffering from this abnormal health but it is also for those who want to avoid getting it. The book looks into many distinct approaches in tackling the qoute by providing solutions that are realistic. It is a very helpful medium that is meant to forewarn the reader about the main cause of the problem. It provides one with tips on eating the right food and entertaining in sure activities that will eliminate the symptoms. For people who are already suffering from its consequences, this book will solve your worries away because it offers beneficial insights and a step-by-step procedure on how to address the qoute accordingly. All things in the book is guaranteed as safe and surgery-free.

3. The Best Online Offer.

Not All things that is expensive translates into quality, like this book for instance. Banish Tonsil Stones is considerably sold cheap at a discounted price of .99. Just think of how much money, time and effort you will save in getting this book. In just a click of a mouse, you can already download your ebook without the need of going to the bookstore. To top it off, you are already on your way towards a healthier life and a much fresher breath.

Banish Tonsil Stones narrate

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Check Out The Christmas Train: A Novel

The Christmas Train: A Novel Review

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Black Ops Text Book 30-1 FFA

Black Ops Text Book 30-1 FFA Video Clips. Duration : 5.38 Mins.

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Keywords: black, ops, ffa, free, for, all, pickle9000

Friday, November 18, 2011

Book Store firm chance

A sell store that buys and sells used books, rents books and sells new books is a profitable possibility for the right owner. If you can find one for sale or a great location with a rent that is affordable, then this enterprise will have a occasion for success. Like most sell businesses this type of store needs to have traffic to succeed. The question with most of them is the chain store competition has forced them to sell without sufficient margins in their selling price. A store does not have to beat the price of competitors; it just has to be competitive.

New book sales are going to be a tough one to crack as the chain shop can sell at very good prices. Used books on the other hand are merchandise that there may be no competition at all. Buying books and giving credit for them toward the purchase of other books is a good way to get account at petite out of pocket cost.


Renting books for a week at a time with cheap deposits is a way to keep the cash flow up without having to pay for more inventories. Retention cash flow arrival into the enterprise is the key to any sell operation.

Finding an existing store for sale

The Internet is a good place to start looking for existing bookstores that are up for sale. There are not a huge amount and they are all over the country. A man that is looking to find a store will probably have to be willing to move to buy an existing business. The price of the store will not only be prior year's sales history, but also the current account and any computer assisted buying and selling information. A inherent buyer would be wise to spend some time with the current owner to get a feel for the customer base and the daily sales volume. Also look at where the chain bookstores are in relation to the store that is for sale. Are the other businesses in nearby locations solid and likely to stay there in the near future? Are they the type of enterprise that will originate traffic for the store?

Contact any enterprise brokers that seem to have a few bookstores for sale. They may know more about the enterprise and could be a great source of capability data that would help you in your search. A good question for any broker is how the shop are deciding on what their current account is worth. This enterprise also would seem to cry out for some current owner financing. A bookstore owner is an unusual sell man and is regularly attracted to the enterprise due to a love of books and reading. This limits the inherent buyers and the distributor may be very willing to carry back some paper to make the sale happen.

Starting a store from scratch

The advantage of beginning a new store is that you can moderately build up your account by trading and handing out credit for books a customer brings into the store. If you can find a decent location at cheap rent this could be a way to get into the business. The startup will have to spend money to get customers into the store, as they will not have any built in clients to start. This means that cash flow will be slow and will build up over time. The owner good be able to live for a while without any money from the store for personal use.

Fixtures are going to be a salutary cost as books are heavy and will need to be displayed in order to sell them. Twenty dollars a quadrate foot of display is a good ballpark to use to form the cost of fixtures. Book data can be facilely obtained on the Internet, but this means you will need a fast relationship and a solid computer system.

Advertising the new enterprise will be a high priority for the business. This is expensive, but it must be done. Think about giving each customer a card to give to a friend to request him or her to the store. This will help a petite on the enterprise cost of bringing customers into the store. Check out the library and university sales that happen each year. They may be a good way to get some capability titles that would not come in via customers.

If you have friends who are writers, have them come in for a book signing and/or talk. You will be surprised at how citizen will come to hear a local author. Some advertising may be essential to gain the audience.

Another way to get free publicity is to get a radio station to talk about books or a library to help with drawing a reading crowd.


Bookstores are a unique sell store. The chains have been tough on many of them, but there is still a niche market for those that are willing to work to find them and exploit them. citizen who love to read are a loyal group if they can be attracted to your store. Books and readers have a bond like men and cars. It is hard to understand, but it can be taken into account and used to build a list of clients. looking or beginning a enterprise is a decision that will have to be weighed very carefully by those that are curious in owning a bookstore. Bookstores do seem to have an energy that is not found in other sell stores. Using this to advantage is part of owning a flourishing bookstore.

Finding the right deal is part of the crusade and can make the distinction between failure and success. citizen will not beat down your door to spend money and you are going to be forced to be proactive in getting customers in your store.

Book Store firm chance