Saturday, June 30, 2012

Analog Computer Bouncing Ball

Analog Computer Bouncing Ball Tube. Duration : 3.60 Mins.

In this video I'm demonstrating an analog computer that models a bouncing ball, with control voltage and trigger outputs that could be interesting with synthesizers, sequencers, etc. I designed the circuit as an excercise in understanding analog computer techniques. I found that almost all textbook descriptions of analog integrators are incomplete, lacking adequate description of how to set the initial conditions of the integrator and reset it at the end of each computation. An obvious application of this particular circuit is to generate nonlinear rhythms for electronic music... check out Aphex Twin's track "Bucephalus Bouncing Ball" for a good example of this effect. more info: Many thanks to Matthew Thies for filming and editing this video. -Eric Archer 2009

Tags: analog, computer, bouncing, ball, physical, model, electronic, oscilloscope, rhythm

Thursday, June 28, 2012

What's In My School Bag & Organization Tips + Special Guest!!!

What's In My School Bag & Organization Tips + Special Guest!!! Tube. Duration : 13.57 Mins.

This is what I keep in my school bag and a few organization tips that I use and hopefully you find helpful too! + my very special guest .... MY PUPPY FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER:

Tags: prettypolishes, pretty, polish, rachel, What's, In, My, School, Bag, Organization, Tips, Special, Guest!!!, five, star, bic, hand, sanitzer, back, to, bath, and, boy, works, clean, clear, oil, absorbing, sheets, textbook, agenda, tenth, grade, dividers, subjects

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Insane Clown Posse - Carnival of Carnage - Never Had it Made

Insane Clown Posse - Carnival of Carnage - Never Had it Made Video Clips. Duration : 5.77 Mins.

Insane Clown Posse - ICP - Carnival of Carnage (1992) - Track 10 - Never Had it Made. Insane Clown Posse - ICP - Carnival tenth track to the Carnival of Carnage, the first Joker's Cards. I hope you guys like, feel free to subscribe, there will be many more to come. Haters: All comments will be removed, we don't really care regarding the garbage you want to spew out, get a life and leave the fans alone to enjoy.

Tags: Insane, Clown, Posse, ICP, Psychopathic, Records, Twiztid, The, Carnival, of, Carnage, Suicide, Track, One, Help, Juggalo, Juggalettes, MCL, JCW, Never, Had, it, Made

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kindle 2 VS Kindle DX Review by Trevelyn

Kindle 2 VS Kindle DX Review by Trevelyn Tube. Duration : 5.13 Mins.

I have both, well I am selling the smaller one on eBay right now. There are some good/bad differences, but I will try to cover most of them in this video. I purchased the Kindle 2 - 2 weeks ago and realised that it was the coolest electronic device I have ever used. Then I realized I wanted a bigger screen. what can I say I am a sucker for bigger screens.. hence why I am waiting so eagerly for the DS XL to be released in the states! I think we are all fascinated / captivated by bigger screens. TV's are only getting bigger, game system screens (portable) do better with bigger screens [ sales wise ], computer monitors and resolution are constantly getting bigger and even standards for said resolutions! Not only that, there is a functionality issue that needs to be covered in depth, and that is the Manga / Comic book text size... Yeah, i cover that too. So, I hope this encourages someone to get the new Kindle DX when thinking about the Kindle 2 (that is, iff you read comics and manga) Enjoy!

Tags: Kindle 2, Kindle DX, comparision, review, vs, display, manga, comics, text, size, weaknet, weaknetlabs labs, trevelyn

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Qu'est-ce tu aimes faire?

Qu'est-ce tu aimes faire? Video Clips. Duration : 1.92 Mins.

What do you like to do for fun? From Holt© French Textbooks

Tags: language, french, rap

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Jodi Picoult - 2009 National Book Festival

Jodi Picoult - 2009 National Book Festival Video Clips. Duration : 29.25 Mins.

Author of 15 best-sellers Jodi Picoult appears at the National Book Festival. Speaker Biography: Jodi Picoult studied creative writing in college and had two short stories published in Seventeen magazine while still a student. Realism -- and a profound desire to be able to pay the rent -- led Picoult to a series of different jobs following her graduation: as a technical writer for a Wall Street brokerage firm, as a copywriter at an ad agency, as an editor at a textbook publisher, and as an eighth-grade English teacher before pursuing a master's in education. She wrote her first novel, "Songs of the Humpback Whale," in 1992, while she was pregnant with her first child. She is now the author of 15 best-sellers, including her latest, "Handle with Care" (2009). Picoult lives in New Hampshire.

Keywords: library, congress, national, book, festival, reading, literature, authors

Friday, June 22, 2012

suga free - i'm so text book

suga free - i'm so text book Tube. Duration : 4.52 Mins.

album:smell my finger

Tags: suga, free, dj, quik

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Macleod's examination of the Hand (neurological)

Macleod's examination of the Hand (neurological) Video Clips. Duration : 2.67 Mins.

Sample of DVD content available with Macleod's Clinical Examination 12th Edition. Further videos are available with purchase of the textbook or online at student consult.

Tags: macleod's, osce, clinical, examination, medical, finals, exam, hand, of, the, hand., Median, nerve, ulnar, ner

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Elite's Plan for Global Extermination Exposed by Dr. Webster Tarpley 2/4

The Elite's Plan for Global Extermination Exposed by Dr. Webster Tarpley 2/4 Tube. Duration : 15.18 Mins.

In this interview, Dr. Tarpley reviews the writings of John P. Holdren, the current White House science advisor. This interview conclusively exposes scientific elite's true agenda, world-wide genocide and the formation of a global government to rule. Historian and author Webster Tarpley exposes how White House science czar John P. Holdren, who infamously co-wrote a 1977 textbook in which he advocated the formation of a "planetary regime" that would use a "global police force" to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children, is a Malthusian fanatic in the tradition of the arcane anti-human ideology that originated amongst British aristocracy in the 19th century. Holdren calls himself a "neo-Malthusian" in his own book, and as Tarpley explains, is a historical pessimist who has rejected the idea that America and humanity as a whole can progress through ingenuity, industry and economic growth. Instead, Holdren sees humankind as a cancer upon the earth. Holdren wants to set up a "Science Court," where potential developments could be blocked by government decree if they don't conform to the planned society necessary under Holdren's "planetary regime". He also seeks to institute "de-development" worldwide to prevent the third world from ever lifting itself out of poverty and roll things back ...

Tags: John, P., Holdren, Barack, Obama, Dr., Webster, Tarpley, Eugenics, world-wide, genocide, Nwo, Club, of, Rome, Rockefeller, Bill, Gates, alex, jones, new, world, order, illuminati, conspiracy, world order, science, czar, abortions, mass, sterilization, programs, via, food, water, supply

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Christian 'Science' Book On Electricity

Christian 'Science' Book On Electricity Tube. Duration : 3.53 Mins.

A 4th grade Christian science textbook created as part of a homeschool curriculum has an interesting interpretation of electricity based on the Bible. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks discucss. The Young Turks on Current TV: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: Facebook: Twitter: Support TYT for FREE:

Tags: Christian, Science, Home, School, Schooling, Student, Text, Religion, Bob, Jones, University, Right, Religious, Conservative, Bill, O'reilly, Atheist, Fox, News, Atheism, Bible, God, Jesus, Quotes, Verses, Fundamentalism, Creationism, Agnostic, Faith, Prayer, Beliefs, Young, Turks, Cenk, Uygur, Ana, Kasparian, Tyt

Saturday, June 16, 2012

7.5 - Indifference Curves (2 of 3)

7.5 - Indifference Curves (2 of 3) Video Clips. Duration : 6.25 Mins.

based on the textbook "Microeconomics for MBAs"

Tags: microeconomics, economics, UCI, Irvine, mckenzie

Friday, June 15, 2012

Lecture 1 - Scope of the Class

Lecture 1 - Scope of the Class Tube. Duration : 11.32 Mins.

PHSC 13400: Global Warming David Archer, Professor in Geophysical Sciences "Scope of the Class" September 30, 2009. This 10-week course for non-science majors focuses on a single problem: assessing the risk of human-caused climate change. The story ranges from physics to chemistry, biology, geology, fluid mechanics, and quantum mechanics, to economics and social sciences. The class will consider evidence from the distant past and projections into the distant future, keeping the human time scale of the next several centuries as the bottom line. The lectures follow a textbook, "Global Warming, Understanding the Forecast," written for the course. For information about the textbook, interactive models, and more, visit:

Keywords: science, climate, change, global, warming, university, chicago, david, archer, class, lecture

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ken Miller on Cob County Warning Stickers

Ken Miller on Cob County Warning Stickers Tube. Duration : 3.93 Mins.

Dr. Ken Miller talks about the error of singling out Evolution in a warning sticker on Biology textbooks.

Tags: evolution, creation, intelligent, design, id, cob, county, georgia, school, board

Monday, June 11, 2012

Photoshop Walkthrough for Beginners - Part 1

Photoshop Walkthrough for Beginners - Part 1 Tube. Duration : 36.67 Mins.

This tutorial covers: -An introduction to the basics of the Photoshop interface (layers, basic tools, basic windows) -A simple walkthrough for making a basic drawing in Photoshop (sketching, inking, and coloring) COMMENTS ARE DISABLED FOR A REASON. Unless you cannot understand what I'm saying or have a reasonable question that I did NOT address here, I don't expect to be flooded with people asking me what brushes are or where to buy Photoshop. Please take some initiative and use this tutorial as a reference, NOT your only how-to textbook. My sanity thanks you. I recommend watching in HD so you can see everything.

Keywords: photoshop, tutorial, basic, beginner, kaylink, kaytothelink, adobe, tablet, cs3

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Alex Details MSNBC's Cover-up of Provable Population Control Plan on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

Alex Details MSNBC's Cover-up of Provable Population Control Plan on Alex Jones Tv 1/4 Tube. Duration : 10.98 Mins.

MSNBC In Cover-Up Of Manifestly Provable Population Control Plan Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, June 16, 2010 As part of his obsessive drive to smear anti-big government activists as insanely paranoid and dangerous radicals, Chris Matthews and his guest, establishment neo-lib David Corn, previewed tonight's "Rise of the New Right" hit piece by claiming that the elite's agenda to enact dictatorial population control measures was a "conspiracy theory". As we have documented on numerous occasions, while Matthews points fingers at his political adversaries for preparing to engage in violence, the only real violence we're witnessing out on the streets is being committed by Obama supporters, MSNBC thugs and other leftists who refuse to tolerate free speech that counters their propaganda. However, MSNBC's goal is not just to demonize the Tea Party and anti-big government activists as dangerous radicals as an avenue through which to sick the police state on them and crush their free speech, they're also desperate to prevent Americans from lending any credence to what people like Alex Jones have to say by acting as gatekeepers to prevent such information from becoming mainstream. A perfect example of an issue that Matthews and his ilk want to sideline is the manifestly provable fact that elitists have for decades publicly stated their desire to reduce global population by around 80 per cent and as much as 99 per cent. During MSNBC's Hardball show on Tuesday, Corn ...

Keywords: alex, jones, returns,, endgame, police, state, rise, of, fema, 9/11, false, flag, israel, england, saudi, arabia, rothschild, rockefeller, nwo, illuminati, club, rome, bilderberg, group, fox, news, msnbc, chris, matthews

Friday, June 8, 2012

Songwriting on Guitar - #8 Melodic Phrasing - Learn How To Write Guitar Songs

Songwriting on Guitar - #8 Melodic Phrasing - Learn How To Write Guitar Songs Tube. Duration : 10.98 Mins.

FULL COURSE, TAB, JAM TRACKS: Guitar lessons: Songwriting is a creative process, but there are still key guidelines and formulas that ALL of the great songs and songwriters follow. Songwriting on Guitar covers all of these essential musical rules in layman's language, but Songwriting on Guitar is so much more than a 'textbook' approach to songwriting; it's an immersive, contextual and highly creative process that you play and compose your way through. No tedious theory or boring exercises to work through here. In fact, you will likely create hundreds of your own motifs and song ideas as you journey through Songwriting on Guitar.

Keywords: learn, how, to, play, guitar, song, lessons, lesson, songwriting, write, songs, compose, acoustic, electric, blues, jazz, rock, beginner, intermediate, advanced, matthieu, brandt, truefire, chords, scales, modes, lyrics, progressions, power, tab, notation

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Oral Care

Oral Care Video Clips. Duration : 5.55 Mins.

◄►◄►IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ◄►◄► This video clip is based on general nursing knowledge. The purpose of the demonstration is to provide general idea of nursing skills for novice learners. This is not adequate substitution for any textbook guidelines and any State certification requirement. It is solely as general guideline or reference information. If you have any questions regarding this, please send an email inquiry to - Performed by Eurina Kee, Ph.D & NP candidate, RN, MSN, CRRN 기유리나

Tags: Basic, nursing, skill, CNA, Mouth, care, Oral, Eurina, 기유리나

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Service Manual pdf NISSAN ALTIMA 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Download.wmv

Service Manual pdf NISSAN ALTIMA 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Download.wmv Video Clips. Duration : 0.32 Mins. -nissan-altima-service-manual-repair-manual-online Service Manual pdf NISSAN ALTIMA 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Download 1997 Nissan Altima Service Manual Repair Manual Online FSM 1998 Nissan Altima Service Manual Repair Manual Online FSM 1999 Nissan Altima Service Manual Repair Manual Online FSM 2000 Nissan Altima Service Manual Repair Manual Online FSM 2001 Nissan Altima Service Manual Repair Manual Online FSM THOUSANDS OF PAGES! DOWNLOAD IT NOW! These complete FULLY INDEXED Nissan Service Manuals are your number one source for repair and service information. They are specifically written for the do-it-yourselfer as well as the experienced mechanic. Using this repair manual is an inexpensive way to keep your Nissan Altima working properly. Each service manual provides step-by-step instructions based on the complete disassembly of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through each service and repair procedure. Complete download comes in pdf format which can work under all PC based windows operating system and Mac also. It saves to your hard-drive and can be burned to CD-ROM. All pages are printable. No need to pay for shipping and wait for the overpriced paper textbook or CD-ROM to arrive via snail mail. GET YOUR NISSAN ALTIMA SERVICE MANUAL ONLINE DOWNLOAD NOW!! PostCategoryIcon Posted in Uncategorized | PostTagIcon Tags: nissan altima service, nissan online service manual, nissan ...

Tags: nissan altima service, nissan online service manual, nissan repair manual, nissan service manual, Service Manual pdf, NISSAN ALTIMA, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, Download

Monday, June 4, 2012

Organic chemistry: R and S naming (7)

Organic chemistry: R and S naming (7) Tube. Duration : 6.90 Mins.

Organic chemistry nomenclature: How to determine whether a stereocenter has R or S stereochemistry--ie, how to name the "absolute configuration" of a stereocenter. These videos are offered on a "pay what you like" basis. You can pay for the use of the videos at my website: For a printable document containing the systematic method discussed in this video series, go to my website. These videos are designed to help students who are finding the material difficult, so I go very slowly, with lots of repetition and examples. If you don't find this material difficult, you might be very bored by these videos and might prefer to learn straight from a textbook. For a list of all the available video series, arranged in suggested viewing order, go to my website. For a playlist containing all the videos in this series, click here: (1) How to determine priorities (2) How to determine priorities (3) How to determine priorities (4) How to determine priorities (5) Case 1: Priority 4 pointing into the page (6) Case 1: Priority 4 pointing into the page (7) The single-swap rule (8) Case 2: Priority 4 pointing out of the page or in the plane of the page (9) Case 2: Priority 4 pointing out of the page or in the plane of the page (10) Case 2: Priority 4 pointing out of the page or in the plane of the page (11) Case 2: Priority 4 pointing out of the page or in the plane of the page (12) Multiple stereocenters (13) Multiple stereocenters (14) Harder ...

Tags: organic, chemistry, nomenclature, stereochemistry, stereocenter, absolute, configuration, priority, educational, college, student, MCAT, exam

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bette Davis, Leslie Howard, Kay Johnson, Reginald Denny in Of Human Bondage (1934 Movie)

Bette Davis, Leslie Howard, Kay Johnson, Reginald Denny in Of Human Bondage (1934 Movie) Video Clips. Duration : 82.63 Mins.

DVD: Of Human Bondage is a 1934 American drama film directed by John Cromwell and is widely regarded by critics as the film that made Bette Davis a star. The screenplay by Lester Cohen is based on the 1915 novel of the same title by W. Somerset Maugham. The film was remade in 1946 and again in 1964. Sensitive, club-footed artist Philip Carey is an Englishman who has been studying painting in Paris for four years. His art teacher tells him his work lacks talent, so he returns to London to become a medical doctor, but his moodiness and chronic self-doubt make it difficult for him to keep up in his schoolwork. Philip falls passionately in love with vulgar, illiterate tearoom waitress Mildred Rogers, even though she is disdainful of his club-foot and his obvious interest in her. Although he is attracted to the anemic and pale-faced woman, she is manipulative and cruel toward him when he asks her out. Her constant response to his romantic invitations is "I don't mind," an expression so uninterested that it infuriates him - which only causes her to use it all the more. His daydreams about her (her image appears over an illustration in his medical school anatomy textbook, and a skeleton in the classroom is transformed into Mildred) cause him to be distracted from his studies, and he fails his medical examinations. In 1932, director Michael Curtiz showed John Cromwell a print of his recently completed film The Cabin in the Cotton because Cromwell ...

Tags: bette, davis, drama, romance, baby, waitress, inheritance, medical, student, cockney, artist, unrequited, love, cafe, cruelty, doctor, paris, france, disabled, person, hospital, class, differences, unemployment, clubfoot, bonds, tuberculosis, orchestral, music, score, sexual, obsession, beautiful, woman, womanizer, betrayal, promiscuity, femme, fatale, single, mother, affair, word, poetry, stay, together, jane, poem, kiss, stargate, howard, passion, turner, daniel, atlantis, korn, words, trailer, movie, spoken, russia, warfare