Monday, April 30, 2012

世界の日本語教科書[オーストラリア編] (Japanese textbook in the world[in AUS])

世界の日本語教科書[オーストラリア編] (Japanese textbook in the world[in AUS]) Video Clips. Duration : 8.90 Mins.



Sunday, April 29, 2012

MW3 Mi primer arma de Oro G36C

MW3 Mi primer arma de Oro G36C Tube. Duration : 7.03 Mins.

Sigueme en Mi página de Facebook: Descargate la aplicación para Facebook:

Keywords: MW3, Mi, PRIMER, ARMA, DE, ORO, G36C, Primer (film), Primer (textbook), Oro (song), Film, ARMA: Armed Assault, Song, Short, Rising, Space, Short Film, Adventures, Miguel, Alaska, Space (TV Channel), Human, Sun, Trailer, Trailer (promotion), Honor, Killers, Debut, Medal, Gabe, Episode, Song (state), Brandon, These, New, All, Pretty, Nature, Encounter, Live, Game, Things, Karl, Rising Sun, Flowers, New Song, Done, Gameplay, Love Song, Singing, mobile device, war, Sad, video game, Medal Honor

Thursday, April 26, 2012

John Jacobs Stand up (guest set at Side Splitters Tampa)

John Jacobs Stand up (guest set at Side Splitters Tampa) Tube. Duration : 8.28 Mins.

Me doing a guest set at Side Splitters Comedy Club in Tampa, FL a couple weeks ago. Personal website coming soon with tons of new stand-up/sketch videos and articles/books (That's right,"articles/books" I'm a textbook-published author. I'm smart n shit.) For booking information you can email me directly at Thank you for watching, I really appreciate it. And all feedback/hateful comments are welcome. Thank you! (Sorry about the shaky camera at the beginning)

Keywords: stand up comedy, John Jacobs, Tampa, side splitters, money, alcohol, weed, Dave Chapelle, George Carlin, Other famous comedians Funny, Awesome, John, Jacobs, Give me money for free please, youtube tags are gay, your gay, just kidding your awesome, vagina, nut sack

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WWE 12 - EPIC ENDING to an Ironman Match

WWE 12 - EPIC ENDING to an Ironman Match Tube. Duration : 1.10 Mins.

Give a like for the textbook WWE moment but actually happened in a match!! Who won, have a looksie and find out! Get 10% Off Kontrol Freeks Super Awesome Accessories! Click here and use Promo Code: BackyardGaming, at the checkout! Follow me on Twitter! Like Me on Facebook! Spawnsored by Evil Controllers Join the Respawn Army - Sign up today! http

Tags: WWE 12, WWE 12 Gameplay, WWE12 Gameplay, WWE 12 Finishers, WWE 12 Universe Mode, WWE 12 Road to Wrestlemania, teemingtubbyemu, tonypizzaguy, Machinima Sports, THQ, PS3, XBOX 360, WWE 12 Signatures, Montage, Highlights, WWE 12 Review, WWE 12 Preview, WWE 12 Footage, John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, WWE 12 Undertaker, WWE 12 HD, High Definition, WWE 12 RTWM Footage, WWE 12 Show, Wrestling, Video, Game, itsmyyard, machinima

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hot Guy Problems (Hot Problems parody)

Hot Guy Problems (Hot Problems parody) Video Clips. Duration : 2.43 Mins.

Just a little parody I felt like doing with Opera's speak function! Enjoy :) Download single at: Download Opera at: Check out my Website at Check out CQV Films at: Check out the original song at: Check out the instrumental at: Lyrics: Look at me and tell me the truth What do you do When people don't know What we go through They see my blonde hair Blue eyes and class But they don't know I have a really big shah. Please don't get me wrong I know that I'm hot Textbook perfection really takes a lot Weird guys call my phones And guys call me names Like the Peas said "I can't get enough" Hot guys we have problems too We're just like you, except we're hot The world needs to open their eyes And realize We're not perfect And sometimes we lie I've got the look I've got the abs But those things don't make me a shh Girls call me rich Boys call me a tool On behalf of all hot guys those comments are not needed Just cause I'm sexy I have to be dumb I don't care about which I just wanna have fun People start rumors And say things about me Funny thing is I didn't go to the party. Hot guys we have problems too We're just like you, except we're hot (hot hot hot hot) The world needs to open their eyes And realize We're not perfect And sometimes we lie Hot guys we have problems too We're just like you, except we're HOT The world needs to open their eyes And realize We're not perfect And sometimes we lie Why oh ...

Keywords: Parody (Film Genre), music, crazy, music video, hot problems, Double Take, sexy, hot, hott, funy, spoof, cover, computer, opera, Comedy, Humor, Guys

Monday, April 23, 2012

Organic Reactions and Pharmaceuticals, Lec 1, Chemistry 14D, UCLA

Organic Reactions and Pharmaceuticals, Lec 1, Chemistry 14D, UCLA Video Clips. Duration : 7.32 Mins.

Course Description: Chemistry 14D: Organic Reactions and Pharmaceuticals is a class that provides an in depth analysis of organic reactions, nucleophilic and electrophilic substitutions and additions; electrophilic aromatic substitutions, carbonyl reactions, catalysis, molecular basis of drug action, and organic chemistry of pharmaceuticals. About the Professor: Professor Hardinger has been a faculty member in the UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry since 1997. His professional career began at Drexel University in Philadelphia, which afforded a BS in Chemistry in 1982. He then moved to Purdue University, and earned a PhD in Organic Chemistry in 1988. Two subsequent years as a postdoctoral scholar at Renssalear Polytechnic Institute were followed by appointment in 1990 as assistant professor at California State University. In 1997 he achieved the "forbidden transition" and moved to UCLA as Lecturer followed by promotion to Senior Lecturer in 2004. At UCLA his main teaching interests have been introductory organic chemistry courses in the physical science majors series as well as the life science majors series. His professional interests include development of new teaching tools and methods, both in print and electronic media. An introductory organic chemistry textbook (Organic Chemistry - A Thinking Student's Approach) is currently in development. Course Webpage: Note: Some clips and images may have been blurred or removed to avoid copyright ...

Keywords: ucla, uclacourses, hardinger, chemistry, 14d, organic, reactions, mechanisms, pharmaceuticals, drugs, biochemistry, nucleophile, electrophile, substitution, molecular, science

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Organic chemistry: R and S naming (20)

Organic chemistry: R and S naming (20) Video Clips. Duration : 9.67 Mins.

Organic chemistry nomenclature: How to determine whether a stereocenter has R or S stereochemistry--ie, how to name the "absolute configuration" of a stereocenter. These videos are offered on a "pay what you like" basis. You can pay for the use of the videos at my website: For a list of all the available video series, arranged in suggested viewing order, go to my website. These videos are designed to help students who are finding the material difficult, so I go very slowly, with lots of repetition and examples. If you don't find this material difficult, you might be very bored by these videos and might prefer to learn straight from a textbook. For a playlist containing all the videos in this series, click here: (1) How to determine priorities (2) How to determine priorities (3) How to determine priorities (4) How to determine priorities (5) Case 1: Priority 4 pointing into the page (6) Case 1: Priority 4 pointing into the page (7) The single-swap rule (8) Case 2: Priority 4 pointing out of the page or in the plane of the page (9) Case 2: Priority 4 pointing out of the page or in the plane of the page (10) Case 2: Priority 4 pointing out of the page or in the plane of the page (11) Case 2: Priority 4 pointing out of the page or in the plane of the page (12) Multiple stereocenters (13) Multiple stereocenters (14) Harder priorities (15) Harder priorities (16) Harder priorities (17) Harder priorities (18) "D"--deuterium (19) Reversing ...

Tags: organic, chemistry, nomenclature, stereochemistry, stereocenter, absolute, configuration, priority, education, college, student, school

Friday, April 20, 2012

Alex Jones Tv: The Psychology of Conspiracy Denial

Alex Jones Tv: The Psychology of Conspiracy Denial Tube. Duration : 9.85 Mins.

The Psychology of Conspiracy Denial Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, August 5, 2010 Wired Magazine writer Jonah Lehrer claims his critics are engaging in "cognitive dissonance," by expressing concern about experimental vaccines, which in fact is the perfect description for Lehrer's own behavior. Wired Magazine writer Jonah Lehrer attempts to offset the overwhelmingly critical response to his attack on Alex Jones by characterizing skepticism of authority in the context of vaccines and mass medication as a psychological dysfunction, despite the fact that the history of government-funded medical research in the United States is replete with examples of scientific abuse against unwitting victims. Lehrer fires another salvo in the controversy surrounding brain-altering vaccines that eliminate stress and induce artificial states of "focused calm" by portraying those who are concerned about the potential abuse of such treatments as paranoid cult members who believe in space aliens coming to rescue them from an imminent apocalypse. Unable to properly address Alex Jones' video journal about the dangers of mind-altering vaccines point by point, Lehrer resorts instead to retelling a completely unrelated story from the 1950′s about a woman in Minneapolis who thought a giant spaceship would rescue her from the end of the world. Eat like a king, stock up at eFoodsDirect today! According to Lehrer, people who are concerned about fluoridated drinking water and the New World ...

Tags: wired, magazine, jonah, lehrer, cognitive, dissonance, experimental, vaccines, rockefeller, bilderberg, group, eugenics, scienfific, abuse, lithium, neurotoxin, sodium, fluoride, john, holdren, alex, jones, endgame

Thursday, April 19, 2012


1「世界の国旗・独立を守り抜いたエチオピアに敬意を表している」 Video Clips. Duration : 9.82 Mins.

ブラックマヨネーズ たむらけんじ 国旗 日の丸 日章旗 日本 国歌 君が代 民主党 小沢一郎 鳩山由紀夫 アルゼンチン インド パキスタン スリランカ アフリカ エチオピア ルワンダ ドイツ

Keywords: ブラックマヨネーズ, たむらけんじ, 国旗, 日の丸, 日章旗, 日本, 国歌, 君が代, 民主党, 小沢一郎, 鳩山由紀夫, アルゼンチン, インド, パキスタン, スリランカ, アフリカ, エチオピア, ルワンダ, ドイツ

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New company Name Ideas

The best way I can help you find New enterprise Name Ideas is to categorically give you a real life example. The purpose of this is to get your train of view veering in the right direction. It categorically isn't as hard as you might think. I am going to share a few easy techniques that whatever can consequent in order to perform the perfect new enterprise name.

Firstly, you will need a dictionary, (one with a thesaurus). The infer you need a thesaurus is because you will be looking for synonyms. In case your not sure what 'synonyms' are, they are words that are 'similar'.


I am going to use a 'Book Shop' as an example for our New enterprise Name Ideas. Now 'The Book Shop' would be a bit boring and not very memorable, and it's more than likely already been taken, so how can we improve on this boring name and give it an bright twist that will stand the test of time?

Start by looking up 'Book' in the dictionary. The report is as follows; 'bound set of printed or blank pages; a literacy composition of fact or fiction'.

Underneath, as I read down the page, we have 'Book Case', Book Club', 'Book End', Book Mark', 'Book Man', 'Book Stall', 'Book Worm' and my favourite 'Bookish' which means fond of reading.

Any one of these names would make a great New enterprise Name, but don't stop there. Seek some more into connected words that we uncovered when we searched our base word 'Book'. By continually looking up connected words, you can create a ability targeted list and move words and phrases colse to until you come up with some great new enterprise name ideas.

The next place we are going to look is on the internet. The internet is not just for looking a local plumber and paying your bills on, there are a whole host of tools that are available to you, and are totally free of charge.

The best tool I know about is the 'Google Keyword Selector Tool'. It allows you to type in a main keyword, and then generates a list of connected keywords. You can compile a great list of new enterprise name ideas just by entering different connected keywords, then play colse to with those keywords.

Company name Ideas are often triggered visually, so use resources that are all colse to you. Phone directories, yellow pages, local newspapers, magazines etc. Open your mind to ideas and they will come from everywhere.

A join of things to remember are; pick a name that will grow with your company. It's no good being 'Kettle Mania' if you are going to be selling toasters and other electrical goods later on. You will need to select a generic name that covers all electrical items, not just kettles.

Make sure the name is some what memorable. Dave's Cafe just doesn't quite cut it! Check that you are the only one with that name. Get it registered and be official. The last thing you want is to be sued before you even start!

New company Name Ideas

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Takedown Machine

Takedown Machine Video Clips. Duration : 2.62 Mins.

Watch the original video with better music that YouTube edited out: Dustin Balsley - of Osage, Iowa - showing off some textbook folk-style takedowns. Classic Green Devil double-legs, single-legs, and high-crotch takedowns. :) osage high school wrestling | iowa...

Keywords: sports, martial, arts, huge, takedowns, double, single, leg, big, strong, fight, shots, high, school, wrestling, grappling, takedown, jitsu, karate, judo, mma, taekwondo

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dealing With Difficult Customers

Responding to angry, disgruntled and frustrated customers can be very stressful, especially over the phone. However, I strongly believe that this is undoubtedly the time when businesses have a golden opening to shine.
Think of it this way... It's easy to be polite and upbeat when things are going great... But way too many enterprise owners underestimate the value of training their employees in the fine art of dealing with difficult customers; demonstrating the "right way" and tolerating nothing less.



Sidebar: Before I continue, some words of caution... Employees are much more willing, and able, to arrive at clear solutions for unhappy customers if they are armed with the tools indispensable to make this happen... The most important being, empowerment.
If you cripple your employees' ability to "turn lemons into lemonade" I've consulted with many fellowships that cripple their employees by severely restricting their ability to "make good".
They erroneously claim that they will "give away the farm" (the old, "give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile" syndrome.) without ever considering the estimate of money they're losing on lost customers; rotten word of mouth; immoderate laborer turnover; wasted phone time, stress, etc.
I cringe every time I hear this! If you don't believe me, go to your nearest bookstore and buy a copy of "The Nordstrom Way" (Spector and McCarthy) and see if reading that changes your mind!

One of the unexpected pleasures you and your employees will fetch from really, undoubtedly pleasing a miserable customer is the joy it brings! No, this is not " touchy-feely-warm-and-fuzzy-psychobabble" ... Just try it and you'll see.

Remember, no matter what "business" you're in - whether you're a doctor, lawyer, retailer, non-profit organization, wholesaler, consultant, etc. You are there to serve... As one of my mentors, Zig Ziglar, said best, "The more you help other population get what they want, the more you'll get what you want."...

So, be grateful to that irate customer who snaps you awake, and presents you with an inspiring psychological challenge and is often the most thankful and your most loyal customer when its over!

Tips for Dealing with that Distressed Customer

1. No matter how angry or unreasonable your customer is, your greatest three goals are to:

√ Calm them down;

√ communicate your understanding of their complaint or question and empathy; and

√ Have them leave, or hang up, thanking you.

2. How do you make this happen?

√ Smile (not profound, trust me, population can undoubtedly tell)as you answer the phone or greet the customer in person

√ Introduce Yourself Enthusiastically (and your organization if the customer calls in), e.g. "Hi, my name is Mary... We're glad you called the Xxx enterprise today! How can I help you?"

Once they've told you the intuit for their call, it's important to:

· Let them know that you will personally deal with their complaint

· Apologize and answer their feelings

· Sympathize and draw them out

· put in order to help, ask questions, and transport personal caring

· The voice's volume should be normal, not loud

· Slow your speech down a bit and lower your pitch - these have immediate calming effects and place you in control of the conversation in a non-threatening way. Note their Name: Then use it! It's the sweetest word(s) in any language... But make sure you ask the allowable pronunciation if you're not sure!

√ Give them Your Undivided Attention: They're already unhappy, so don't make it worse by development them feel that you're not undoubtedly "there" - e.g. Don't look colse to - keep your eyes focused on them; no rustling papers; answering other calls; etc.

√ Listen determined and Take Notes: The vast majority of customer complaints are legitimate... So this should all the time be your first assumption. Write important information down to ensure accuracy; help you get to the lowest of the problem; avoid development the customer repeat themselves and make it easier for you to communicate the situation to man else if needed.

√ Echo key points This will go a long way in reassuring the customers and make clear that you understand the "heart" of their complaint... "ask the demand behind the question."

√ furnish a resolution (A great demand to ask is: "How can I best determine this for you?)

√ Lead them to a clarification (remember, if you're feel personnel are not empowered offer a clarification the process make break down here...)

√ Thank them for calling or visiting; apologize for any inconvenience they've experienced and let them know that you work hard every day to ensure that every customer feel is delightful, and you will continue to do so.

√ modernize their customer catalogue to reflect your conversation and resolution to ensure that other employees can get up to speed, if needed. Additionally, make sure that you follow-up with anything else complicated in the "fix" within 24 hours! This is key!!

3. Put Stress in Prospective

Unhappy customers can cause stress but it's important to remember that their anger is not personal. They are irritated at a problem, not you. Sometimes they just need to vent. If you intuit this, it's often a good idea to let them go on a bit.

4. Helpful Phrases to Use

√ How can I help you?

√ Thanks so much for your patience and cooperation

√ Sir, could you please justify the situation so I help you determine this?

√ I'm so sorry to hear that... I don't blame you for being frustrated. I believe I would as well...

√ Let's work together to determine this, shall we?

√ I can see why you feel that way...

√ I see what you mean...

√ That must be upsetting...

√ I understand how frustrating this must be for you and I undoubtedly appreciate your patience...

5. Phrases to Avoid at all Costs

√ Our course is...

√ Calm down!

√ What's your problem?

√ That's not our fault!

√ I can't help it if my laborer was rude...

√ I'm not going to repeat this again...

√ Listen to me...

√ I can't...

√ Why don't you be reasonable?

√ There's nothing else I can do...

Challenge: What is the best and/or worst annotation you've ever received from a enterprise representative?

6. Ways to Remain Cool

√ Tell yourself it's futile to allow another man to ruin your day, then don't let that happen.

√ Remind yourself that you're a pro and know how to deal with this situation in that manner.

√ If you want to solve the question quickly, don't throw fuel on the fire...

√ Understand how good you'll feel when you look back with pride on how you handled a difficult

7. Anger

There are a few customers use "bullying" as a means to intimate others personally and professionally. anything their reasons for "being mad at the world," they may take advantage of any excuse to "get back". This type of interaction, although rare, presents added challenges but if you know how to deal with them correctly, your stress will be greatly diminished.

No man should have to tolerate behavior that crosses clear boundaries. Abusive language can be dealt with immediately with a firm, "Mr./Ms. Smith, excuse me, I want to help you, but I cannot permit you to use unprofessional language." Nearly always, this results in an apology.

Using the customer's name and, if appropriate, formal title improves the chances of this working. If not, this man must be handed off; put on hold; or done with a statement such as, "I'm sorry, this cannot continue." Period.

Any incident that goes this far, harassing, and/or threats of violence should be reported to other employees or supervisors and/or the allowable authorities.

Bottom Line: Your most loyal customers are all the time the ones that had a question that was solved to their satisfaction Rather than the customer who never had a problem! This is a very important distinction!

Dealing With Difficult Customers

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Couple Tag created by YOU! (:

Couple Tag created by YOU! (: Video Clips. Duration : 12.07 Mins.

Channel update: Although my google adsense was disabled and the youtube partnership was taken away, I was told by a good friend that my channel will not be deleted(: I'm feeling much better now. But just in case I'm keeping LifeWithAily as my backup. Thank you for all of your kind words yesterday. It really made me feel so much better ^_^ Now here's the couple tag you all created (: --------------------------- I tag you!(: I decided to make this a little different from the well known boyfriend tag, so I printed all the questions, cut them into strips, put them in a box, and selected them randomly. This made it sooo much more fun ^_^ 1. When was your first kiss and where? Or are you planning on waiting? 2. What do you like most about each other? 3. How easy is it for you two to love each other on a scale of 1-10? 4. How long have you been going out (or married)? 5. What is your favorite gift you have received? 6. What do you love to do together? 7. How did you guys meet? 8. What do you guys do to make each other laugh? 9. What immediately attracted you to him?? 10. What is the funniest memory you two have together? 11. Do you guys have any secret/cute/funny things that you do to let each other know you love them? 12. What is their favourite food? 13. What was the first thing that attracted you? 14. Did your relationship have bumps in the road? If so say 15. Is there anything about the past you wish you could change about the relationship? 16. What is your favorite trait ...

Keywords: Couple tag, ailyxxxfashion, subscriber created, boyfriend tag, fun facts, silly stories

Friday, April 13, 2012

12.4 - Price Leadership

12.4 - Price Leadership Tube. Duration : 4.10 Mins.

based on the textbook "Microeconomics for MBAs"

Keywords: microeconomics, economics, UCI, Irvine, mckenzie

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2.4 - Twisting Salary

2.4 - Twisting Salary Video Clips. Duration : 8.77 Mins.

based on the textbook "Microeconomics for MBAs"

Keywords: microeconomics, economics, UCI, Irvine, mckenzie

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Football Tips: Three-Step Drop for Quarterbacks

Football Tips: Three-Step Drop for Quarterbacks Video Clips. Duration : 1.35 Mins.

Visit PlaySportsTV for more great videos on how to play the quarterback position. Learn the three-step drop for quarterbacks in this football training video.

Keywords: football, tips, drills, quarterback, QB, three-step, drop, timing, route, receiver, Lou, Marinelli, how, to, play

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Graphite Kindle DX 2 Review: PDF files, Comics, Graphic Novels

Graphite Kindle DX 2 Review: PDF files, Comics, Graphic Novels Tube. Duration : 7.43 Mins.

Buy Kindle DX 9: Updated DX2 written review: This video shows the PDF functionality for the Amazon Kindle DX 2, with a look at some graphic novels and comics too. Make sure to check out the link above for high-res close-ups and the complete written review.

Tags: kindle dx, kindle dx review, kindle pdf, pdf, kindle dx 2, dx2

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Be All That You Can Be: The company Persona and Language Alignment

It's not just Ceos and corporate spokespeople who need sufficient language to be the message. The most flourishing advertising taglines are not seen as slogans for a product. They are the product. From M&M's "melts in your mouth, not in your hand" to "Please don't squeeze the Charmin" bathroom tissue, from the "plop, plop, fizz, fizz" of Alka-Seltzer to "Fly the cordial skies of United," there is no light space in the middle of the product and its marketing. Words that work reflect "not only the soul of the brand, but the business itself and its surmise for being in business," agreeing to Publicis worldwide menagerial creative director David Droga.

In the same vein, advertising experts identify a common quality among the most favorite and long-lasting corporate icons: Rather than selling for their companies, these characters personify them. Ronald McDonald, the Marlboro Man, Betty Crocker, the Energizer Bunny -- they aren't shills trying to talk us into buying a Big Mac, a pack of smokes, a box of cake mix, a package of batteries; they don't even personalize the product. Just like the most preponderant slogans, they are the product.


Walk straight through any bookstore and you'll find dozens of books about the marketing and branding efforts of corporate America. The process of corporate transportation has been thinly sliced and diced over and over, but what you won't find is a book about the one truly essential characteristic in our twenty-first-century world: the business persona and how words that work are used to generate and keep it.

The business persona is the sum of the corporate leadership, the corporate ethos, the products and services offered, interaction with the customer, and, most importantly, the language that ties it all together. A majority of large fellowships do not have a business persona, but those that do advantage significantly. Ben & Jerry's attracts customers in part because of the funky names they gave to the accepted (and unconventional) flavors they offer, but the confident association in the middle of corporate administration and their employees also plays a role, even after Ben and Jerry sold the company. McDonald's in the 1970s and Starbucks over the past decade became an integral part of the American culture as much for the lifestyle they reflected as the food and beverages they offered, but the in-store lexicon helped by setting them apart from their competition. (Did any customers ever call the person who served them a cup of coffee a "barista" before Starbucks made the term popular?) Language is never the sole determinant in creating a business persona, but you'll find words that work connected with all fellowships that have one.

And when the message, messenger, and recipient are all on the same page, I call this rare phenomenon "language alignment," and it happens far less often than you might expect. In fact, virtually all of the fellowships that have hired my firm for transportation guidance have found themselves linguistically unaligned.

This manifests itself in two ways. First, in service-oriented businesses, the sales force is too often selling with a different language than the marketing citizen are using. There's nothing wrong with individualizing the sales arrival to each customer, but when you have your sales force promoting a message that has no similarity with the advertising campaign, it undermines both efforts. The language in the ads and promotions must match the language on the street, in the shop, and on the floor. For example, Boost Mobile, which caters to an inner city youth demographic, uses the catchword "Where you at?" Not grammatically (or politically) correct -- but it's the language of their consumer.

And second, corporations with multiple products in the same space too often allow the language of those products to blur and bleed into each other. Procter & Gamble may sell a hundred different items, but even though each one fills a different need, a different space, and/or a different category, it is perfectly fine for them to share similar language. You can use some of the same verbiage to sell soap as you would to sell towels, because no consumer will confuse the products and what they do.

Not so for a business that is in a single line of work, say selling cars or selling beer, where fellowships use the exact same adjectives to enumerate very different products. In this instance, achieving linguistic alignment requires a much more disciplined linguistic segmentation. It is almost always a more sufficient sales strategy to divvy up the approved adjectives and generate a unique lexicon for each private brand.

An example of a major corporation that has confronted both of these challenges and still managed to accomplish linguistic alignment, even as they are laying off thousands of workers, is the Ford Motor business -- which manages a surprisingly diverse group of brands fluctuating from Mazda to Aston Martin. The Ford corporate leadership recognized that it was impossible to detach the Ford name, corporate history, heritage, and range of vehicles -- so why bother. They came as a package. Sure, Ford maintains private brand identity, straight through national and local ad campaigns and by creating and maintaining a detach image and language for each brand. For example, "uniquely sensual styling" honestly applies when one is talking about a Jaguar S Type, but would probably not be pertinent for a Ford F 250 pickup truck. But the fact that the Ceo carries the Ford name communicates continuity to the company's customers, and Bill Ford sitting in front of an assembly line talking about leadership and innovation in all of Ford's vehicles effectively puts all the private brands into alignment.

The words he uses -- "innovation," "driven," "re-committed," "dramatically," "dedicated" -- recite the simplicity and brevity of sufficient communications, and they are wrapped around the Ceo who is the fourth-generation Ford to lead the business -- hence credibility. The cars are the message, Bill Ford is the messenger, the language is dead-on, and Ford is weathering the American automotive urgency far better than its larger rival general Motors. Again, the language of Ford isn't the only driver of corporate image and sales -- but it honestly is a factor.

In fact, the brand-building campaign was so flourishing that Gm jumped on board. But Ford speedily took it a step further. In early 2006, they began to leverage their ownership of Volvo (I wonder how many readers did not know that Ford bought Volvo in 1999 and purchased Jaguar a decade earlier) to enumerate a corporate-wide commitment to automotive safety, over all of its private brands and vehicles. Volvo is one of the most respected cars on the road today, and aligning all of Ford behind an manufactures leader is a very smart strategy indeed.

So what about the competition?

General Motors, once the automotive powerhouse of the world, has an equally diverse product line and arguably a richer history of technology and innovation, but their collective message of cutbacks, buy-backs, and layoffs was designed to appeal to Wall Street, not Main Street, and it crushed new car sales. At the time of this writing, Gm is suffering straight through narrative losses, narrative job layoffs, and a narrative number of bad stories about its failing marketing efforts.

It didn't have to be this way.

The actual attributes of many of the Gm product lines are more intelligent than the competition, but the product image itself is not. To own a Gm car is to tell the world that you're so 1970s, and since what you drive is considered an extension and expression of yourself to others, citizen end up buying cars they honestly like less because they feel the cars will say something more about them.

Think about it. Here's a business that was the first to develop a catalytic converter, the first to develop an advanced anti-tipping stabilization technology, the first to develop engines that could use all sorts of blended gasolines, and most importantly in today's market, the originator of OnStar -- an foreseen, new-age computerized security and tracking device. Yet most American consumers have no idea that any of these essential innovations came from general Motors, plainly because Gm decided not to tell them. So instead of using its newest and greatest emerging technology to align itself with its customers, Gm finds itself in a deteriorating dialogue with shareholders. No alignment = no sales.

Another problem with Gm: No one knew that the various brands under the Gm moniker were in fact . . . Gm. Even such well-known brands as Corvette and Cadillac had become disconnected from the parent company. Worse yet, all the various brands (with the irregularity of Hummer, which couldn't get lost in a crowd even if the brand employer wanted it to) were using similar language, similar visuals, and a similar message -- obscuring the difference in the middle of brands and turning Gm vehicles into nothing more than generic American cars. Repeated marketing failures were just part of Gm's recurring problems, but as that issue was wholly within their control, it should have been the easiest to address.

When products, services, and language are aligned, they gain an additional one essential attribute: authenticity. In my own shop investigate for dozens of Fortune 500 companies, I have found that the best way to enumerate authenticity is to trigger personalization: Do audience members see themselves in the catchword . . . And therefore in the product? Unfortunately, achieving personalization is by no means easy.

To clarify how fellowships and brands in a contentious space generate compelling personas for themselves while addressing the needs of different consumer groups, let's take a look at cereals. Whatever can go out and buy a box of cereal. But different cereals offer different experiences. Watch and listen considered to their marketing arrival and the words they use.

Most cereals geared toward children sell energy, excitement, adventure, and the inherent for fun -- even more than the actual taste of the sugar-coated rice or wheat puffs in the cardboard box. On the other hand, cereal aimed at grown-ups is sold based on its utility to the maintenance and enhancement of condition -- with taste once again secondary.

Children's cereals are pitched by nonthreatening cartoon characters -- tigers, parrots, chocolate-loving vampires, Cap'ns, and a tiny trio in stocking caps -- never an adult or authority figure. Adult cereals come at you head-on with a not-so-subtle Food Police message, wrapped in saccharine-sweet smiles, exclaiming that this cereal is a favorite of salutary and cholesterol-conscious adults who don't want to get colon cancer! Ugghhh. Kids buy Frosted Flakes because "They're grrrreat!" Adults buy special K because we want to be as intelligent and vigorous as the actors who promote it. When it comes to cereal, about the only thing parents and kids have in common is that the taste matters only slightly more than the image, experience, and product association -- and if the transportation appears authentic, they'll buy.

And cereal honestly sells. From Cheerios to Cinnamon Toast Crunch, more than billion worth of cold cereal was sold in the United States alone in 2005. If you were to look at the five top-selling brands, you would see a diverse list targeted to a diverse set of customers. The language used for each of these five brands is noticeably different, but in all cases totally essential.

In finding at the first and third best-selling brands of cereal, one might initially think that only a wee difference in ingredients mark their distinctions. Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios are both based around the same whole-grain O shaped cereal, but are in fact two very different products, beyond the addition of honey and a nut-like crunch.

The language behind Cheerios is remarkably easy and all-encompassing -- "The one and only Cheerios." Could be for kids . . . Could be for young adults . . . Could be for parents. Actually, Cheerios wants to sell to all of them. As its Web site states, Cheerios is the right cereal for "toddlers to adults and everyone in between." The subtle heart-shaped bowl on each box suggests to the older consumer that the "whole-grain" cereal is a salutary start to a salutary day. But the Web site also has a section devoted entirely to younger adults, unblemished with testimonials and "tips from new parents" talking about how Cheerios has helped them to raise happy, salutary children. The language behind Cheerios works because it transcends the former societal boundaries of age and adds a sense of authenticity to the product.

While you could probably live a happy and salutary existence with Cheerios as your sole cereal choice, there is a expansive segment of the cereal shop that demands more. For the cereal-consuming collective almost in the middle of the ages of four and fourteen, a different taste and linguistic arrival is required. Buzz the Bee, the kid-friendly mascot of Honey Nut Cheerios, pitches the "irresistible taste of golden honey," selling the sweetness of the product to a demographic that craves sweet foods. While the parent knows that his or her child wants the cereal because of its sweet taste (as conveyed straight through the packaging), Honey Nut Cheerios must still pass the parent test. By putting such statements as "whole-grain" and "13 essential vitamins and minerals" on the box, the product gains authenticity, credibility, and the approval of the parent.

Two different messages on one common box effectively markets the same product to both children and parents alike, helping to make Honey Nut Cheerios the number three top-selling cereal in 2004. So with the addition of honey and nuts, general Mills, the producer of the Cheerios line, has filled the gap in the middle of toddlers and young adults, and completed the Cheerios cradle-to-grave lifetime hold on the consumer.

To take an additional one example, if you want citizen to think you're hip and healthy, you make sure they see you drinking bottled water -- and the fancier the better. No one walking around with a diet Dr Pepper in hand is finding to impress anybody. These days, there's almost a feeling that soft drinks are exclusively for kids and the uneducated masses. There's a cache to the consumption of water, and costly and exclusive brands are all the rage. Now, there may be a few citizen who have such extremely refined, educated taste buds that they can taste the difference in the middle of Dasani and Aquafina (I honestly can't), but the connoisseurs of modish waters are more likely than not posers (or, to continue the snobbery theme, poseurs). You won't see many citizen walking around Cincinnati or Syracuse clutching fancy bottled water. Hollywood, South Beach, and the Upper East Side of New York City are, as usual, an additional one story.

There's one final aspect of being the message that impacts what we hear and how we hear it. How our language is delivered can be as foremost as the words themselves, and no one understands this principle better than Hollywood.

At a small table tucked away in the projection of a boutique Italian cafeteria on the outskirts of Beverly Hills, I had the opportunity to dine with legendary actors Charles Durning, Jack Klugman, and Dom DeLuise. The entire supper was a litany of stories of actors, writers, and the most memorable movie lines ever delivered. (Says Klugman, an Emmy Award winner, "A great line isn't spoken, it is delivered.") Best known for his roles in The Odd concentrate and Quincy, Klugman told a story about how Spencer Tracy was practicing his lines for a movie late in his vocation in the nearnessy of the film's screenwriter. Apparently not pleased with the reading, the writer said to Tracy, "Would you please pay more concentration to how you are reading that line? It took me six months to write it," to which Tracy shot back, "It took me thirty years to learn how to say correctly the line that took you only six months to write."

Spencer Tracy knew how to be the message -- and his shelf of Academy Awards proved it.

Excerpted from Words That Work by Dr. Frank Luntz. Copyright 2007 Dr. Frank Luntz. All ownership reserved. Published by Hyperion. Ready wherever books are sold.

Be All That You Can Be: The company Persona and Language Alignment

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Teenage Textbook Movie (1998) [Full]

The Teenage Textbook Movie (1998) [Full] Video Clips. Duration : 90.55 Mins.

An adaptation of Adrian Tan's bestselling novel The Teenage Textbook (1988) and The Teenage Workbook (1989). © 1998 Monster Film Production, Singapore © 1999 Warner Home Video Love this movie. But its only available on VCDs. Wish they had it on DVDs. Updated with 15 minutes of subtitles / captioning. Let me know if there is any mistakes. The subtitles may be a little distracting. If so, just disable it.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Following part 1

Following part 1 Tube. Duration : 14.43 Mins.

Film: Following Directed by Christopher Nolan England (1998) Psychological Thriller/Neo-Noir 5 parts/70 mins WARNING: Film contains adult language and violence. (Rated R by MPAA) Synopsis: Christopher Nolan (Memento, The Dark Knight, Inception) made his feature directorial debut with this "no-budget" 16mm black-and-white British suspense drama that employs a unique and unconventional chronology. Wannabe writer Bill, aka "The Young Man" (Jeremy Theobald), is "between jobs," living in impoverished circumstances with no prospects, plots, or outlines. Desperate for ideas, he begins following people in the street to "gather material," more accurately described as a venture into voyeurism. When Cobb (Alex Haw) realizes he's being followed, he confronts Bill. Cobb explains that he goes one step further -- entering people's apartments not only for theft but also to spy on private possessions. The notion of illegal intrusions excites Bill, but graduating to the next plateau beyond break-ins leads towards dangerous and unexpected results. Review: The making of Following is a textbook lesson in perseverance and economy. It was reportedly shot over a one-year period on weekends. The budget was meager at best (00), the actors were unknown, and Nolan used a held standard black and white 16mm film stock while holding down hyphenated chores of writer, director, cinematographer, co-editor and co-producer. The film's running time of 70 minutes may smack of a production running on cash ...

Tags: Following, part, parte, uk, England, no, low, budget, tips, films, filmmaking, movies, independent, trailer, clips, scene, memento, Chris, Christopher, Nolan, 1998, film, noir, example, thief, thieves, burglar, about, break, ins, home, invasion, voyeur, voyeurism, chronology, puzzle, interview, early, inception, the, dark, knight

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lattice Energy: Part I

Lattice Energy: Part I Tube. Duration : 9.88 Mins.

General Chemistry (for majors) help! Understanding lattice energy and parts of the Born-Haber cycle. An alternate definition for lattice energy is: the themal energy required to break the ionic solid into its gaseous ions. If using this definition, the lattice energy values would be the same, but have a positive sign. Check your textbook to see if you should label the lattice energies as a positive (+) or negative (-) value. It doesn't really matter how you define it, just make sure you understand that it TAKES energy (+) to break the bond, and RELEASES energy (-) to form the bond.

Keywords: lattice, energy, electron, affinity, bond, dissociation, enthalpy, born-haber, chemistry, tutorial

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Soundarya Lahari Part 1

Soundarya Lahari Part 1 Video Clips. Duration : 9.70 Mins.

Saundarya Lahari (Shlokas 1-17) Rendition by Mambalam Sisters (I had to clip off certain parts of the audio due to the time restrictions). The Saundarya Lahari, meaning "Waves Of Beauty", is a famous literary work in Sanskrit written by Adi Shankara. It eulogizes the beauty, grace and munificence of Goddess Parvati / Dakshayani, consort of Shiva. The Saundarya Lahari is not only a poem. It is a tantra textbook, giving instructions on puja and offerings, many yantras, almost one to each shloka; describes tantric ways of performing devotion connected to each specific shloka; and details the results ensuing therefrom. The Saundarya Lahari is often viewed as being composed of two parts: Verses 1 - 41 describe the mystical experience of the union of Shiva and Shakti and related phenomena. In fact, it opens with the assertion that Only when Shiva is united with Shakti does He have the power to create. This part of the text is often referred to, quite appropriately, as the Ananda Lahari, the wave of bliss. Verses 42 to 100 are more straightforward---they describe the physical beauty of the Goddess and are sometimes referred to as the Saundarya Lahari itself. Many scholars, however, refer to the entire text with one name, namely, Saundarya Lahari. For translation of the verses, refer to For knowing the benefits of chanting each shloka, refer to

Tags: Adi, Shankara, Soundarya, Lahari, Saundarya, Devotional, Carnatic, Music, Mambalam, Sisters, Devi, Shakti, Stotra, Sanskrit, shlokam, Lalitha, Tripurasundari, Saundaryalahari, parvati

Monday, April 2, 2012

13.1 - Competitive Labor Market (1 of 2)

13.1 - Competitive Labor Market (1 of 2) Tube. Duration : 8.70 Mins.

based on the textbook "Microeconomics for MBAs"

Keywords: microeconomics, economics, UCI, Irvine, mckenzie

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Primer part 7

Primer part 7 Video Clips. Duration : 9.85 Mins.

Film: Primer Directed by Shane Carruth United States (2003) Science Fiction/Psychological Drama 8 Parts/ 77 mins With optional English Subtitles (you might need the subtitles for some scenes of technical dialogue) Please be sure to turn on the CC (closed captions) button to view subtitles Subtitles are translatable to any language and can be moved by clicking and dragging the subtitles. (Rated PG13 by MPAA) Prepare your brain to be put through a blender with this ultra low-budget gem (made on a budget of 00) by first time director Shane Carruth and winner of the Grand Jury Prize for dramatic film at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival. A thinking man's (or woman's) science fiction film that has generated a cult following because of its innovative plot structure and complex, technical dialogue. A rare science fiction film does not insult the intelligence of its audience by sugar-coating the science behind the fiction of the timeworn subject of time travel so often seen in other less-imaginative sci-fi films, and as a result, the director presents and reworks ideas and themes of past films in the genre in a refreshing manner. The most attentive viewers may have trouble finding their bearings as the film opens with a quick flow of engineering jargon, and anyone who can follow the temporal twists and inversions of the film's final third probably deserves an engineering degree. Primer is a witty, well-shot, and convincingly acted science-fiction brain twister, leading one to ...

Keywords: Primer, film, shane, carruth, movie, part, trailer, independent, low, budget, no, time, travel, science, fiction, about, scientist, plot, complex, interesting, psychological, invent, space, puzzle, dialogue, twist, ending, sci, fi, scifi, device, ethical, garage, discovery, friendship, hard, difficult, cult, following, indie, flick, future, past, authentic, real, filmmaking, back, to, the