Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New company Name Ideas

The best way I can help you find New enterprise Name Ideas is to categorically give you a real life example. The purpose of this is to get your train of view veering in the right direction. It categorically isn't as hard as you might think. I am going to share a few easy techniques that whatever can consequent in order to perform the perfect new enterprise name.

Firstly, you will need a dictionary, (one with a thesaurus). The infer you need a thesaurus is because you will be looking for synonyms. In case your not sure what 'synonyms' are, they are words that are 'similar'.


I am going to use a 'Book Shop' as an example for our New enterprise Name Ideas. Now 'The Book Shop' would be a bit boring and not very memorable, and it's more than likely already been taken, so how can we improve on this boring name and give it an bright twist that will stand the test of time?

Start by looking up 'Book' in the dictionary. The report is as follows; 'bound set of printed or blank pages; a literacy composition of fact or fiction'.

Underneath, as I read down the page, we have 'Book Case', Book Club', 'Book End', Book Mark', 'Book Man', 'Book Stall', 'Book Worm' and my favourite 'Bookish' which means fond of reading.

Any one of these names would make a great New enterprise Name, but don't stop there. Seek some more into connected words that we uncovered when we searched our base word 'Book'. By continually looking up connected words, you can create a ability targeted list and move words and phrases colse to until you come up with some great new enterprise name ideas.

The next place we are going to look is on the internet. The internet is not just for looking a local plumber and paying your bills on, there are a whole host of tools that are available to you, and are totally free of charge.

The best tool I know about is the 'Google Keyword Selector Tool'. It allows you to type in a main keyword, and then generates a list of connected keywords. You can compile a great list of new enterprise name ideas just by entering different connected keywords, then play colse to with those keywords.

Company name Ideas are often triggered visually, so use resources that are all colse to you. Phone directories, yellow pages, local newspapers, magazines etc. Open your mind to ideas and they will come from everywhere.

A join of things to remember are; pick a name that will grow with your company. It's no good being 'Kettle Mania' if you are going to be selling toasters and other electrical goods later on. You will need to select a generic name that covers all electrical items, not just kettles.

Make sure the name is some what memorable. Dave's Cafe just doesn't quite cut it! Check that you are the only one with that name. Get it registered and be official. The last thing you want is to be sued before you even start!

New company Name Ideas

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this informative post about New company name ideas. Name of company of business is most important. Choosing a catchy and unique name of business can reflect and also helps you business to grow.

    Business name ideas
